The gangsters decided that sherif (Civilian) will interfere with them and laid him (her) out!.
At Night Lola relieved distress to the player don (Maniac) – now he (she) can feel safe at the daytime voting.
The witnesses claim that the Maniac was tracing olgatest (Bomb) to the house ....
Henceforth test2 (Lola), don (Maniac) are not to be trifled with the Bomb. Quick like a bunny! The Bomb stuck to this rule when was mining: test2 (Lola), don (Maniac). test18 (Don) +2. don (Maniac) 0. olgatest (Bomb) 0. olgatest (Bomb) 0. test18 (Don) 0. savrol18 (Civilian) 0.