The Mafia earned the maximum number of points!! Kill the whole town and not to lose a fighter – that's a skill! It all took them 17 minutes. A short master class on deceit watch below
Клан Мафии
Шальная Императрица (Don)
body bag (Mafia)
Мирный город
Drunk squirrel (Doctor)
Pablo Pikaso (Switchman)
Добрая ведьма (Civilian)
Йди броди (Civilian)
+5 (Sheriff)
Опівнічний вершник (Civilian)
День 1
The townsfolk have no shared vision in the duel between Pablo Pikaso (Switchman), Йди броди (Civilian) Йди броди (Civilian) stopped a bullet. The Little Finger is fighting with the Ring Finger, the Pointer Finger is butting with the Thumb, and the Middle Finger pokes up to everyone... There is no gathered fist – and the Mafia took advantage of it! Йди броди (Civilian) has died. Йди броди (Civilian) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Civilian) 0. (Sheriff) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) 0. body bag (Mafia) +2. Шальная Императрица (Don) +2. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) 0. (Sheriff) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Civilian) 0. Шальная Императрица (Don) 0. Drunk squirrel (Doctor) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) 0. Добрая ведьма (Civilian) 0. (Sheriff) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Civilian) 0. body bag (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 2
The night meeting of the Mafia has concluded that the town should be left by Drunk squirrel (Doctor). This night the Sheriff didn't reveal the secret – an inspection of Pablo Pikaso (Switchman). The Bomb is not a toy for children! Naughty children are assigned: . "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - Шальная Императрица (Don). Took the highly explosive path: . Doc, your rating got plus zero for preventive treatment of Шальная Императрица (Don). Шальная Императрица (Don) +2. body bag (Mafia) +2. (Sheriff) 0. Drunk squirrel (Doctor) 0. Шальная Императрица (Don) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) 0. Добрая ведьма (Civilian) 0. (Sheriff) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Civilian) 0. body bag (Mafia) 0.
День 2
It never rains but it pours! There is a mess in the town and one innocent has died - Pablo Pikaso (Switchman). Шальная Императрица получил фол. Pablo Pikaso получил фол. Pablo Pikaso получил фол. Опівнічний вершник получил фол. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) 0. body bag (Mafia) +2. Шальная Императрица (Don) +2. Добрая ведьма (Civilian) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Civilian) 0. (Sheriff) +2. Шальная Императрица (Don) +2. Добрая ведьма (Civilian) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Civilian) 0. body bag (Mafia) +2. Шальная Императрица (Don) 0. Добрая ведьма (Civilian) 0. (Sheriff) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Civilian) 0. body bag (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 3 (Sheriff) was shot in the night fire-fight. The Sheriff has a real lead! Шальная Императрица (Don) – a reliable black player.. – now their lives depend on the Bomb. Шальная Императрица (Don) +2. body bag (Mafia) +2. (Sheriff) +3. Шальная Императрица (Don) 0. Добрая ведьма (Civilian) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Civilian) 0. body bag (Mafia) 0.
День 3
Шальная Императрица (Don) +5. body bag (Mafia) +5. Шальная Императрица (Don) +10. body bag (Mafia) +10. Шальная Императрица (Don) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Civilian) 0. body bag (Mafia) 0. Шальная Императрица (Don) +5. body bag (Mafia) +5. Шальная Императрица (Don) +10. body bag (Mafia) +10.