The witnesses say that the killers were in black hats and coats! Milchoon (Lola) was killed at night on the outskirts.
The Sheriffs guesses proved to be true – the identity of Шальная Императрица (Mafia) is known!.
Although he (she) doesn't know it himself (herself) but Не Зая (Civilian) may not worry – Lola came at Night.
The Maniac can't always control his temper and sometimes he attacks the innocents! Не Зая (Civilian), excuse him!.
Шальная Императрица (Mafia) holds tongue and keeps silent.
Quick like a bunny! The Bomb stuck to this rule when was mining: . It seems that our doctor has been working several night shifts in a row and he doesn't see whom to treat – Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) was mended.
The list of the mined players: . We have an inattentive doctor – he was saving Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) from death, but the body with another nickname was found!.
Добрая ведьма (Mafia) +2. Blackjack (Mafia) +2. Шальная Императрица (Mafia) +2. Опівнічний вершник (Sheriff) +3. Дочка мільярдера (Doctor) 0. президент (Maniac) 0. body bag (Gag) +3. Шальная Императрица (Mafia) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Switchman) 0. Дочка мільярдера (Doctor) 0. Blackjack (Mafia) 0. Добрая ведьма (Mafia) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Sheriff) 0. body bag (Gag) 0. президент (Maniac) 0.