The town withstood against the Mafia clan! The attack was hard but the innocents weathered the storm! Comments of the witnesses and facts - below in our article
Клан Мафии
Пьяная Белка (Don)
Хулиган (Mafia)
Сказочник (Mafia)
Мирный город
Blackjack (Doctor)
Бухий (Gag)
Bully (Switchman)
Ivan (Lola)
body bag (Maniac)
Donald Trump (Sheriff)
Чорна Мамба (Civilian)
День 1
The Devil looks forward to meeting you! The exorcism ceremony was held over Хулиган (Mafia) . body bag получил фол. body bag получил фол. body bag (Maniac) 0. Donald Trump (Sheriff) +2. Чорна Мамба (Civilian) 0. Хулиган (Mafia) +4. Сказочник (Mafia) +2. Bully (Switchman) +2. Ivan (Lola) +2. Бухий (Gag) 0. Bully (Switchman) +2. Ivan (Lola) +2. Donald Trump (Sheriff) +2. Blackjack (Doctor) 0. Бухий (Gag) 0. Сказочник (Mafia) 0. Bully (Switchman) 0. Ivan (Lola) 0. body bag (Maniac) 0. Donald Trump (Sheriff) 0. Пьяная Белка (Don) 0. Чорна Мамба (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 2
"He knows too much", - the Mafia thought and shot into Donald Trump (Sheriff). Our Sheriff doesn't give up! He traced Пьяная Белка (Don). Blackjack (Doctor) won't die at the daytime voting. This Night our serial killer was on the townsfolk's side and killed Пьяная Белка (Don). Zip your lip, Bully (Switchman). The Bomb decided that it will go away together with: . "Sick wake up - it's time to take sleeping pills!", - that is how we work.. The Doctor healed in vain - Ivan (Lola). Sappers' children eat farina porridge without touching lumps: . We have an inattentive doctor – he was saving Ivan (Lola) from death, but the body with another nickname was found!. Пьяная Белка (Don) +2. Сказочник (Mafia) +2. Donald Trump (Sheriff) +3. Blackjack (Doctor) 0. body bag (Maniac) +3. Бухий (Gag) 0. Blackjack (Doctor) 0. Бухий (Gag) 0. Сказочник (Mafia) 0. Bully (Switchman) 0. Ivan (Lola) 0. body bag (Maniac) 0. Чорна Мамба (Civilian) 0.
День 2
The train of death has stopped in our town and there is only one passenger in it - Чорна Мамба (Civilian). Ivan получил фол. Bully получил фол. Blackjack (Doctor) 0. body bag (Maniac) 0. Бухий (Gag) 0. Ivan (Lola) 0. Сказочник (Mafia) +2. Чорна Мамба (Civilian) 0. Blackjack (Doctor) 0. Бухий (Gag) 0. Сказочник (Mafia) +2. Ivan (Lola) 0. body bag (Maniac) 0. Blackjack (Doctor) 0. Бухий (Gag) 0. Сказочник (Mafia) 0. Bully (Switchman) 0. Ivan (Lola) 0. body bag (Maniac) 0.
Ночь 3
The Mafia tried wooden mackintosh to the body of body bag (Maniac). Bully (Switchman) received the immunity from Lola for the next daytime voting. He runs with the wolves and they didn't let him down – the Maniac hit Сказочник (Mafia). Brevity is the soul of wit! The Plug considers Сказочник (Mafia) the most "witty", for the next round!. The Bomb has planned a firework from . We should place a ban to operate on Doctor – he cured Bully (Switchman). Сказочник (Mafia) +2. Blackjack (Doctor) 0. body bag (Maniac) +3. Бухий (Gag) +3. Blackjack (Doctor) 0. Бухий (Gag) 0. Bully (Switchman) 0. Ivan (Lola) 0.
День 3
Blackjack (Doctor) +5. Бухий (Gag) +5. Bully (Switchman) +5. Ivan (Lola) +5. body bag (Maniac) +5. Donald Trump (Sheriff) +5. Чорна Мамба (Civilian) +5. Blackjack (Doctor) 0. Бухий (Gag) 0. Bully (Switchman) 0. Ivan (Lola) 0. Blackjack (Doctor) +5. Бухий (Gag) +5. Bully (Switchman) +5. Ivan (Lola) +5. body bag (Maniac) +5. Donald Trump (Sheriff) +5. Чорна Мамба (Civilian) +5.