Today "War" God looked away from the Mafia. The chronicles of extirpation of the black players' clan read below
Клан Мафии
матильда (Don)
Белоснежка (Mafia)
MR.ThanksGiving (Mafia)
not zaya (Mafia)
Мирный город
Балу (Civilian)
Добрая ведьма (Doctor)
Букмекер (Civilian)
белка (Switchman)
снежная королева (Sheriff)
супер женщина (Maniac)
Президент (Lola)
Карманная ракета (Gag)
День 1
He will be buried together with other honest townsfolk! Rest in peace, Карманная ракета (Gag). MR.ThanksGiving получил фол. снежная королева (Sheriff) 0. матильда (Don) +2. Балу (Civilian) 0. Букмекер (Civilian) +2. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Civilian) 0. not zaya (Mafia) +2. Президент (Lola) +2. Карманная ракета (Gag) +2. MR.ThanksGiving (Mafia) +2. Добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. белка (Switchman) +2. Белоснежка (Mafia) +2. Добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. MR.ThanksGiving (Mafia) +2. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Civilian) 0. not zaya (Mafia) +2. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. Балу (Civilian) 0. Белоснежка (Mafia) 0. Добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. MR.ThanksGiving (Mafia) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Civilian) 0. not zaya (Mafia) 0. Букмекер (Civilian) 0. белка (Switchman) 0. снежная королева (Sheriff) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. матильда (Don) 0. Президент (Lola) 0.
Ночь 2
ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Civilian) won't get through the night!. This night the Sheriff earned several points – he guessed right матильда (Don). ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Civilian) received the immunity from Lola for the next daytime voting. A trouble in the town - the Maniac plays against us! Букмекер (Civilian) was found in the morning. Took the highly explosive path: . Doc treats the townsfolk without any visible wounds, while other people are dying around. This time the pills were taken by белка (Switchman) for no reason. If the Bomb is killed, she will take with her. Doc, your rating got plus zero for preventive treatment of белка (Switchman). not zaya (Mafia) +2. MR.ThanksGiving (Mafia) +2. матильда (Don) +2. Белоснежка (Mafia) +2. снежная королева (Sheriff) +3. Добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. Балу (Civilian) 0. Белоснежка (Mafia) 0. Добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. MR.ThanksGiving (Mafia) 0. not zaya (Mafia) 0. белка (Switchman) 0. снежная королева (Sheriff) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. матильда (Don) 0. Президент (Lola) 0.
День 2
You cannot eat your cake and keep it. The fire-fight between Балу (Civilian), Белоснежка (Mafia) – Балу (Civilian) didn't reach the finish. It never rains but it pours! There is a mess in the town and one innocent has died - Балу (Civilian). матильда (Don) +2. снежная королева (Sheriff) +2. Белоснежка (Mafia) +2. белка (Switchman) +2. Добрая ведьма (Doctor) +2. MR.ThanksGiving (Mafia) +2. Президент (Lola) 0. not zaya (Mafia) +2. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. Балу (Civilian) +2. MR.ThanksGiving (Mafia) +2. not zaya (Mafia) +2. Президент (Lola) 0. Белоснежка (Mafia) 0. Добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. MR.ThanksGiving (Mafia) 0. not zaya (Mafia) 0. белка (Switchman) 0. снежная королева (Sheriff) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. матильда (Don) 0. Президент (Lola) 0.
Ночь 3
Президент (Lola) was shot in the night fire-fight. The Sheriff carried out the sentence and finished матильда (Don) off. Lola gave herself up to not zaya (Mafia). A dead body of матильда (Don) was found in the morning. The Maniac is a suspect. Two inexperienced civilians demounting a bomb. – And if it explodes? – No problem. I have one more! dance on a volcano. The Doctor missed into Добрая ведьма (Doctor). The Bomb decided to make the fireworks from . The only Doctor who thinks that you are ok works in the military commissariat. And it seems that ours came from there too – cured Добрая ведьма (Doctor), although he wasn't shot in. not zaya (Mafia) +2. MR.ThanksGiving (Mafia) +2. матильда (Don) +2. Белоснежка (Mafia) +2. снежная королева (Sheriff) +6. Добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) +3. Белоснежка (Mafia) 0. Добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. MR.ThanksGiving (Mafia) 0. not zaya (Mafia) 0. белка (Switchman) 0. снежная королева (Sheriff) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0.
День 3
"Keep your chin up!!",, - the hangman said while putting Tyburn tippet on MR.ThanksGiving (Mafia). The majority of voices went to him. Добрая ведьма (Doctor) +2. белка (Switchman) +2. Белоснежка (Mafia) +2. снежная королева (Sheriff) +2. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. not zaya (Mafia) +5. MR.ThanksGiving (Mafia) +2. Добрая ведьма (Doctor) +2. белка (Switchman) +2. снежная королева (Sheriff) +2. Белоснежка (Mafia) 0. Добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. not zaya (Mafia) 0. белка (Switchman) 0. снежная королева (Sheriff) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0.
Ночь 4
супер женщина (Maniac) interfered with the Mafia and it tried to kill him (her)!. Our police commissioner didn't give credence to the townsfolk and missed into супер женщина (Maniac). Minus in the Maniac's rating and minus Добрая ведьма (Doctor) off the game!. , you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. For someone - the doctor, for someone - the executioner! Our Doctor didn't guess and healed снежная королева (Sheriff). Quick like a bunny! The Bomb stuck to this rule when was mining: . Did the patient die? Or should I work? The Doctor plays irresponsive and vainly cures снежная королева (Sheriff). not zaya (Mafia) +2. Белоснежка (Mafia) +2. снежная королева (Sheriff) 0. Добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. Белоснежка (Mafia) 0. not zaya (Mafia) 0. белка (Switchman) 0. снежная королева (Sheriff) 0.
День 4
The townsfolk are not going to give up – minus one gangster Белоснежка (Mafia). белка (Switchman) +2. not zaya (Mafia) +5. снежная королева (Sheriff) +2. Белоснежка (Mafia) +2. белка (Switchman) +2. снежная королева (Sheriff) +2. not zaya (Mafia) 0. белка (Switchman) 0. снежная королева (Sheriff) 0.
Ночь 5
not zaya (Mafia) caught a bullet from the Switchman. And we have a guessed one from the black team - not zaya (Mafia). Mines are fixed under the chairs of . not zaya (Mafia) -1. белка (Switchman) +4. снежная королева (Sheriff) +3. белка (Switchman) 0. снежная королева (Sheriff) 0.