Today "War" God looked away from the Mafia. The chronicles of extirpation of the black players' clan read below
Клан Мафии
Добрая ведьма (Mafia)
not zaya (Mafia)
Президент (Mafia)
Мирный город
Балу (Civilian)
MR.ThanksGiving (Gag)
Букмекер (Doctor)
белка (Sheriff)
супер женщина (Maniac)
матильда (Civilian)
Карманная ракета (Switchman)
День 1
The sixth sense told the townsfolk that it was not zaya (Mafia)!! And they were right! You made it!. матильда (Civilian) +2. Балу (Civilian) 0. Букмекер (Doctor) +2. супер женщина (Maniac) +2. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Don) +2. not zaya (Mafia) +2. Президент (Mafia) 0. Карманная ракета (Switchman) 0. MR.ThanksGiving (Gag) +2. Добрая ведьма (Mafia) +2. белка (Sheriff) 0. MR.ThanksGiving (Gag) +2. Букмекер (Doctor) +2. супер женщина (Maniac) +2. матильда (Civilian) +2. Президент (Mafia) 0. Балу (Civilian) 0. Добрая ведьма (Mafia) 0. MR.ThanksGiving (Gag) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Don) 0. Букмекер (Doctor) 0. белка (Sheriff) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. матильда (Civilian) 0. Президент (Mafia) 0. Карманная ракета (Switchman) 0.
Ночь 2
The Mafia decided that MR.ThanksGiving (Gag) won't wake up in the morning. супер женщина (Maniac) can seek compensation in moral damages after the inspection – the police were wrong!. Maniac, don't do it again! The newspaper office considers that белка (Sheriff) agrees!. The Plug decided that белка (Sheriff) will be silent. The epicenter of the explosion will be: . The Doctor missed into матильда (Civilian). Quick like a bunny! The Bomb stuck to this rule when was mining: . "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - матильда (Civilian). Президент (Mafia) +2. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Don) +2. Добрая ведьма (Mafia) +2. белка (Sheriff) 0. Букмекер (Doctor) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. MR.ThanksGiving (Gag) 0. Балу (Civilian) 0. Добрая ведьма (Mafia) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Don) 0. Букмекер (Doctor) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. матильда (Civilian) 0. Президент (Mafia) 0. Карманная ракета (Switchman) 0.
День 2
We've prepared three necrologues for the tomorrow's issue – in the shooting Добрая ведьма (Mafia), ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Don), Карманная ракета (Switchman).. Добрая ведьма (Mafia) is the only one who gets to the edition . Our Добрая ведьма (Mafia) "got" likes most of all! See you next time!. матильда (Civilian) +2. Добрая ведьма (Mafia) +2. Карманная ракета (Switchman) +2. Президент (Mafia) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Don) +2. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. Букмекер (Doctor) +2. Балу (Civilian) +2. матильда (Civilian) +2. Президент (Mafia) 0. Балу (Civilian) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Don) 0. Букмекер (Doctor) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. матильда (Civilian) 0. Президент (Mafia) 0. Карманная ракета (Switchman) 0.
Ночь 3
The boomerang from the Switchman flies into ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Don). Minus in the Maniac's rating and minus Карманная ракета (Switchman) off the game!. Президент (Mafia) caught a bullet from the Switchman. , you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. "Sick wake up - it's time to take sleeping pills!", - that is how we work.. The Doctor healed in vain - ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Don). The Bomb has planned a firework from . Президент (Mafia) -1. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Don) -1. Карманная ракета (Switchman) +4. Букмекер (Doctor) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. Карманная ракета (Switchman) +4. Балу (Civilian) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Don) 0. Букмекер (Doctor) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. матильда (Civilian) 0. Карманная ракета (Switchman) 0.
День 3
We've prepared three necrologues for the tomorrow's issue – in the shooting Балу (Civilian), ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Don), Карманная ракета (Switchman).. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Don) is the only one who gets to the edition . "Keep your chin up!!",, - the hangman said while putting Tyburn tippet on ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Don). The majority of voices went to him. матильда (Civilian) 0. Балу (Civilian) +2. Букмекер (Doctor) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Don) +2. Карманная ракета (Switchman) +2. Балу (Civilian) +2. Карманная ракета (Switchman) +2. Балу (Civilian) +8. MR.ThanksGiving (Gag) +5. Букмекер (Doctor) +5. белка (Sheriff) +5. супер женщина (Maniac) +5. матильда (Civilian) +8. Карманная ракета (Switchman) +5. Балу (Civilian) 0. Букмекер (Doctor) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. матильда (Civilian) 0. Карманная ракета (Switchman) 0. Балу (Civilian) +8. MR.ThanksGiving (Gag) +5. Букмекер (Doctor) +5. белка (Sheriff) +5. супер женщина (Maniac) +5. матильда (Civilian) +8. Карманная ракета (Switchman) +5.