"Stop stick your nose in other people's business!", - the gangsters said and stabbed бшьбш (Doctor).

Our police commissioner holed ддщдщд (Mafia).

бшьбш (Doctor) won't die this night – the Doctor came to visit.

отрипаес (Sheriff) has protection from the day hanging.

Well done, the Maniac! прининт (Mafia) was shot!.

Silence is golden! A golden medal from the Plug is "received" by, Валерка (Bomb).

Henceforth крарарк (Gag), прининт (Mafia), тринин (Lola) are not to be trifled with the Bomb. "They were scattered all around the town!", - the townsfolk will say when the Bomb explodes. At gunpoint: . The Doctor, go back to junior surgeon if you can't cure anyone. бшьбш (Doctor) received an unsuccessful treatment.

Sappers' children eat farina porridge without touching lumps: . Doc treats the townsfolk without any visible wounds, while other people are dying around. This time the pills were taken by бшьбш (Doctor) for no reason.

впаркик (Mafia) +2. ддщдщд (Mafia) +2. прининт (Mafia) +2. отрипаес (Sheriff) +6. бшьбш (Doctor) +3. непа (Maniac) +3. крарарк (Gag) 0. Арара (Jailer) 0. Валерка (Bomb) 0. Арара (Jailer) 0. впаркик (Mafia) 0. крарарк (Gag) 0. непа (Maniac) 0. огреаквк (Werewolf) 0. гоолл (Don) 0. тринин (Lola) 0. отрипаес (Sheriff) 0. грнмеме (Switchman) 0. бшьбш (Doctor) 0.