The Mafia decided that Охотник за тенями (Lola) won't wake up in the morning.
If Wilhelm Tell Jr. had the same father as our Sheriff, then…. Bosh-shot into маленький генерал (Switchman).
Although he (she) doesn't know it himself (herself) but маленький генерал (Switchman) may not worry – Lola came at Night.
Our Maniac spattered his shirt with the blood of a civilian президент (Gag).
Communication with the town is prohibited for супер женщина (Maniac).
Two inexperienced civilians demounting a bomb. – And if it explodes? – No problem. I have one more! dance on a volcano. For someone - the doctor, for someone - the executioner! Our Doctor didn't guess and healed маленький генерал (Switchman).
Henceforth are not to be trifled with the Bomb. The Doctor didn't cure anyone and there are dead bodies at the table. маленький генерал (Switchman) received the pills.
Сексуальный стрелок (Mafia) +2. Бензопила (Mafia) +2. Claide (Mafia) +2. Джоконда (Mafia) +2. Aлиса (Don) +2. Ковбой Аптекарь (Sheriff) 0. Matilda (Doctor) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. президент (Gag) 0. Claide (Mafia) 0. Aлиса (Don) 0. Бензопила (Mafia) 0. Моника Белуччи (Civilian) 0. Мисс Удача (Civilian) 0. Matilda (Doctor) 0. Сексуальный стрелок (Mafia) 0. маленький генерал (Switchman) 0. супер женщина (Maniac) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Sheriff) 0. Джоконда (Mafia) 0. букмекер (Civilian) 0.