The gangster shot in Пророк (Sheriff).
The Sheriff earns extra points - sexy shooter (Mafia) is identified.
Although you cannot buy love, the prices are seductive… Today Янголятко (Don) gave in to Lola's temptation.
Well done, the Maniac! Мадам (Mafia) was shot!.
"Words are wind and your words, Рапунцель (Civilian), - draught!", - thought the Plug.
, you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. It seems that X-ray is broken if the Doctor can't heal anyone. A free examination was received by Hellcat (Switchman).
– now their lives depend on the Bomb. "Sick wake up - it's time to take sleeping pills!", - that is how we work.. The Doctor healed in vain - Hellcat (Switchman).
Мадам (Mafia) +2. sexy shooter (Mafia) +2. Joker (Mafia) +2. Янголятко (Don) +2. Пророк (Sheriff) +3. шейх (Doctor) 0. snake eyes (Maniac) +3. дедпул (Gag) 0. Маленький гвинтик (Lola) 0. Joker (Mafia) 0. Hellcat (Switchman) 0. дедпул (Gag) 0. Янголятко (Don) 0. snake eyes (Maniac) 0. Трамп (Civilian) 0. Рапунцель (Civilian) 0. Серсея Ланістер (Civilian) 0. sexy shooter (Mafia) 0. шейх (Doctor) 0.