The Mafia completely destroyed the town, without losing a fighter! The town bought into their theories and ideas and paid for it in full! Fit in 27 minutes. Specifics and details in the further review
The Mafia tried wooden mackintosh to the body of deadpol (Maniac). The Sheriff will spy upon one person – he guessed right clown (Don). Although you cannot buy love, the prices are seductive… Today chamomile (Werewolf) gave in to Lola's temptation. A trouble in the town - the Maniac plays against us! rapunzel (Doctor) was found in the morning. If the Bomb is killed, she will take with her. "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - cherry (Mafia). I won't go to paradise alone – I need friends! will keep company to the Bomb. It seems that X-ray is broken if the Doctor can't heal anyone. A free examination was received by cherry (Mafia). clown (Don) +2. cherry (Mafia) +2. pig (Mafia) +2. lolita (Mafia) +2. bully (Sheriff) +3. rapunzel (Doctor) 0. deadpol (Maniac) 0. bully (Sheriff) 0. cheeky (Switchman) 0. chamomile (Werewolf) 0. clown (Don) 0. lolita (Mafia) 0. dump (Lola) 0. pig (Mafia) 0. cherry (Mafia) 0.
День 2
Without delay, the Mafia , jumped into action and dump (Lola) was put to the vote. dump (Lola) 0. bully (Sheriff) +2. cheeky (Switchman) +2. chamomile (Werewolf) +2. lolita (Mafia) +2. pig (Mafia) 0. cherry (Mafia) +2. clown (Don) +2. clown (Don) +2. lolita (Mafia) +2. cherry (Mafia) +2. bully (Sheriff) 0. cheeky (Switchman) 0. chamomile (Werewolf) 0. clown (Don) 0. lolita (Mafia) 0. pig (Mafia) 0. cherry (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 3
The Sheriff ate a lot of banana oil from the Mafia by Day and missed into cheeky (Switchman). Sappers will be needed for the next players: . The burst wave will carry away: . clown (Don) +2. cherry (Mafia) +2. pig (Mafia) +2. lolita (Mafia) +2. bully (Sheriff) 0. bully (Sheriff) 0. cheeky (Switchman) 0. chamomile (Werewolf) 0. clown (Don) 0. lolita (Mafia) 0. pig (Mafia) 0. cherry (Mafia) 0.