The act of the week!!! They decided not to leave any witnesses!!! The Black team killed all the bystanders with zero loss on their side! Game time – 36 minutes. My compliments!
Клан Мафии
Зведный Лорд (Don)
букмекер (Mafia)
оракул (Mafia)
Мирный город
Сверхновая (Doctor)
Дайнерис Таргариен (Civilian)
Джаконда (Switchman)
MATILDA (Civilian)
дымовая бомба (Civilian)
черничный кекс (Werewolf)
Дневной Ястреб (Sheriff)
День 1
The Little Finger is fighting with the Ring Finger, the Pointer Finger is butting with the Thumb, and the Middle Finger pokes up to everyone... There is no gathered fist – and the Mafia took advantage of it! черничный кекс (Werewolf) has died. Дневной Ястреб (Sheriff) 0. Зведный Лорд (Don) +5. Дайнерис Таргариен (Civilian) 0. Сверхновая (Doctor) 0. Джаконда (Switchman) 0. черничный кекс (Werewolf) 0. MATILDA (Civilian) +2. дымовая бомба (Civilian) 0. оракул (Mafia) +5. букмекер (Mafia) +2. Дайнерис Таргариен (Civilian) 0. дымовая бомба (Civilian) 0. букмекер (Mafia) +2. Дневной Ястреб (Sheriff) 0. Сверхновая (Doctor) 0. Дайнерис Таргариен (Civilian) 0. Джаконда (Switchman) 0. Зведный Лорд (Don) 0. MATILDA (Civilian) 0. дымовая бомба (Civilian) 0. букмекер (Mafia) 0. оракул (Mafia) 0. Дневной Ястреб (Sheriff) 0.
Ночь 2
"He knows too much", - the Mafia thought and shot into Сверхновая (Doctor). The Sheriff ate a lot of banana oil from the Mafia by Day and missed into Джаконда (Switchman). Resuscitation procedure was effective and Сверхновая (Doctor) was resurgent... Henceforth are not to be trifled with the Bomb. The Bomb has planned a firework from . "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - Сверхновая (Doctor). оракул (Mafia) +2. Зведный Лорд (Don) +2. букмекер (Mafia) +2. Дневной Ястреб (Sheriff) 0. Сверхновая (Doctor) +3. Сверхновая (Doctor) 0. Дайнерис Таргариен (Civilian) 0. Джаконда (Switchman) 0. Зведный Лорд (Don) 0. MATILDA (Civilian) 0. дымовая бомба (Civilian) 0. букмекер (Mafia) 0. оракул (Mafia) 0. Дневной Ястреб (Sheriff) 0.
День 2
The townsfolk choose the lesser of two evils: Сверхновая (Doctor), дымовая бомба (Civilian) in the shooting. дымовая бомба (Civilian) was considered the bigger evil. One sheep has seven shepherds! дымовая бомба (Civilian) was herd to death – the majority of voices are against him. MATILDA (Civilian) +2. Джаконда (Switchman) 0. Сверхновая (Doctor) 0. Дайнерис Таргариен (Civilian) +2. Зведный Лорд (Don) +4. Дневной Ястреб (Sheriff) +2. букмекер (Mafia) +2. оракул (Mafia) +4. дымовая бомба (Civilian) 0. Сверхновая (Doctor) 0. Джаконда (Switchman) 0. букмекер (Mafia) +2. Сверхновая (Doctor) 0. Дайнерис Таргариен (Civilian) 0. Джаконда (Switchman) 0. Зведный Лорд (Don) 0. MATILDA (Civilian) 0. букмекер (Mafia) 0. оракул (Mafia) 0. Дневной Ястреб (Sheriff) 0.
Ночь 3
The Mafia decided that Дайнерис Таргариен (Civilian) won't wake up in the morning. The innocents had an advantage - the Sheriff guessed right букмекер (Mafia)!. The Bomb put its charges on: . "Sick wake up - it's time to take sleeping pills!", - that is how we work.. The Doctor healed in vain - Сверхновая (Doctor). The burst wave will carry away: . The Doctor didn't cure anyone and there are dead bodies at the table. Сверхновая (Doctor) received the pills. оракул (Mafia) +2. Зведный Лорд (Don) +2. букмекер (Mafia) +2. Дневной Ястреб (Sheriff) +3. Сверхновая (Doctor) 0. Сверхновая (Doctor) 0. Джаконда (Switchman) 0. Зведный Лорд (Don) 0. MATILDA (Civilian) 0. букмекер (Mafia) 0. оракул (Mafia) 0. Дневной Ястреб (Sheriff) 0.
День 3
It never rains but it pours! There is a mess in the town and one innocent has died - MATILDA (Civilian). Джаконда (Switchman) +2. MATILDA (Civilian) +2. оракул (Mafia) +2. букмекер (Mafia) +2. Дневной Ястреб (Sheriff) +2. Зведный Лорд (Don) +2. Сверхновая (Doctor) 0. Сверхновая (Doctor) 0. Зведный Лорд (Don) +2. букмекер (Mafia) +2. оракул (Mafia) +2. Сверхновая (Doctor) 0. Джаконда (Switchman) 0. Зведный Лорд (Don) 0. букмекер (Mafia) 0. оракул (Mafia) 0. Дневной Ястреб (Sheriff) 0.
Ночь 4
The eyes that killed you still pretend to be peaceful! Rest in peace, Дневной Ястреб (Sheriff)!. The Sheriff unravels a Mafia tangle – a string leads to оракул (Mafia). I won't go to paradise alone – I need friends! will keep company to the Bomb. The only Doctor who thinks that you are ok works in the military commissariat. And it seems that ours came from there too – cured Джаконда (Switchman), although he wasn't shot in. The epicenter of the explosion will be: . Doc treats the townsfolk without any visible wounds, while other people are dying around. This time the pills were taken by Джаконда (Switchman) for no reason. оракул (Mafia) +2. Зведный Лорд (Don) +2. букмекер (Mafia) +2. Дневной Ястреб (Sheriff) +3. Сверхновая (Doctor) 0. Сверхновая (Doctor) 0. Джаконда (Switchman) 0. Зведный Лорд (Don) 0. букмекер (Mafia) 0. оракул (Mafia) 0.