The game was tense till the very end! Both the townsfolk and the Mafia died!! But the last shot was made by the innocents – the gangsters won – the townsfolk have won! The fight lasted for 37 minutes. The details of showdown are below
Our Switchman decided that твоя мамця (Werewolf) belongs to the Mafia clan. The Sheriff ate a lot of banana oil from the Mafia by Day and missed into стервочка (Doctor). At Night Lola relieved distress to the player зла але крута (Don) – now he (she) can feel safe at the daytime voting. The Maniac is obsessed with Mafia and this Night he satisfied his passion with the help кайфова (Mafia). Sappers will be needed for the next players: . The Doctor, go back to junior surgeon if you can't cure anyone. зла але крута (Don) received an unsuccessful treatment. Quick like a bunny! The Bomb stuck to this rule when was mining: . The Doctor missed into зла але крута (Don). білка хотілка (Mafia) -1. кайфова (Mafia) -1. зла але крута (Don) -1. ділер (Switchman) 0. хакер (Sheriff) 0. стервочка (Doctor) 0. sex insrtuctor (Maniac) +3. sex insrtuctor (Maniac) 0. гаєчка (Lola) 0. білка хотілка (Mafia) 0. зла але крута (Don) 0. стервочка (Doctor) 0. хакер (Sheriff) 0. ділер (Switchman) 0.
День 2
Without delay, the Mafia , jumped into action and хакер (Sheriff) was put to the vote. зла але крута получил фол. ділер (Switchman) +2. хакер (Sheriff) +2. стервочка (Doctor) 0. зла але крута (Don) +5. білка хотілка (Mafia) +5. гаєчка (Lola) 0. sex insrtuctor (Maniac) +2. гаєчка (Lola) 0. білка хотілка (Mafia) +5. зла але крута (Don) +5. стервочка (Doctor) 0. sex insrtuctor (Maniac) 0. гаєчка (Lola) 0. білка хотілка (Mafia) 0. зла але крута (Don) 0. стервочка (Doctor) 0. ділер (Switchman) 0.
Ночь 3
The Mafia run like a well-oiled machine! sex insrtuctor (Maniac) was banged off. The moderator won't name him (her), but Lola visited sex insrtuctor (Maniac). Our serial killer earns some points - he killed зла але крута (Don). The list of the mined players: . "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - стервочка (Doctor). Sappers' children eat farina porridge without touching lumps: . Did the patient die? Or should I work? The Doctor plays irresponsive and vainly cures стервочка (Doctor). білка хотілка (Mafia) +2. зла але крута (Don) +2. стервочка (Doctor) 0. sex insrtuctor (Maniac) +3. гаєчка (Lola) 0. білка хотілка (Mafia) 0. стервочка (Doctor) 0. ділер (Switchman) 0.