They will deny that they were shooting into the townsfolk суддя (Sheriff). The eyes will give them away.
The hero of today's issue is Mr.Sheriff! He checked Йди броди (Mafia)!.
The Doctor's rating has increased – he didn't let the innocent суддя (Sheriff) die.
The Maniac's sixth sense didn't fail and he helped the townsfolk – killed Black jack (Mafia).
"Words are wind and your words, Bro (Don), - draught!", - thought the Plug.
The burst wave will carry away: . "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - суддя (Sheriff).
The Bomb decided that it will go away together with: . It seems that our doctor has been working several night shifts in a row and he doesn't see whom to treat – суддя (Sheriff) was mended.
Bro (Don) +2. Black jack (Mafia) +2. Йди броди (Mafia) +2. суддя (Sheriff) +3. Sexy shooter ❤️ (Doctor) +3. дочка мільярдера (Maniac) +3. Опівнічний вершник (Gag) +3. Sexy shooter ❤️ (Doctor) 0. Blackjack (Civilian) 0. Bro (Don) 0. суддя (Sheriff) 0. дочка мільярдера (Maniac) 0. Йди броди (Mafia) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Gag) 0.