The game was tense till the very end! Both the townsfolk and the Mafia died!! But the last shot was made by the innocents – the gangsters won – the townsfolk have won! The fight lasted for 21 minutes. The details of showdown are below
Клан Мафии
Добрая ведьма (Don)
Йди броди (Mafia)
Мирный город
Шальная Императрица (Doctor)
Drunk squirrel (Civilian)
Pablo Pikaso (Civilian)
+10 (Civilian)
Опівнічний вершник (Sheriff)
body bag (Switchman)
День 1
Опівнічний вершник (Sheriff) wanted to put an end to the outrage but the outrage gunned him down!. Pablo Pikaso (Civilian) 0. Drunk squirrel (Civilian) 0. body bag (Switchman) 0. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Йди броди (Mafia) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) +5. Опівнічний вершник (Sheriff) +2. (Civilian) 0. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) +5. body bag (Switchman) 0. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Drunk squirrel (Civilian) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Civilian) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) 0. Йди броди (Mafia) 0. (Civilian) 0. body bag (Switchman) 0.
Ночь 2 (Civilian) got in the Switchman's way. Although the Doctor has appointments a month in advance, but this night he spared time to save body bag (Switchman). Sappers' children eat farina porridge without touching lumps: . It seems that our doctor has been working several night shifts in a row and he doesn't see whom to treat – body bag (Switchman) was mended. The Bomb put its charges on: . The Doctor, go back to junior surgeon if you can't cure anyone. body bag (Switchman) received an unsuccessful treatment. Добрая ведьма (Don) -1. Йди броди (Mafia) -1. body bag (Switchman) 0. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) +3. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Drunk squirrel (Civilian) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Civilian) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) 0. Йди броди (Mafia) 0. body bag (Switchman) 0.
День 2
"One black sheep will spoil the flock", - the townsfolk considered and pitched Йди броди (Mafia) out to the wood. Pablo Pikaso (Civilian) 0. Drunk squirrel (Civilian) 0. body bag (Switchman) +2. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) +2. Йди броди (Mafia) +2. Добрая ведьма (Don) 0. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) +2. Добрая ведьма (Don) 0. body bag (Switchman) +2. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Drunk squirrel (Civilian) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Civilian) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) 0. body bag (Switchman) 0.
Ночь 3
Шальная Императрица (Doctor) interfered with the Mafia and it tried to kill him (her)!. The surgery was successful – the patient Шальная Императрица (Doctor) will live! He (she) was saved by the Doctor. Mines are fixed under the chairs of . Sappers will be needed for the next players: . The Doctor didn't cure anyone and there are dead bodies at the table. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) received the pills. Добрая ведьма (Don) +2. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) +3. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Drunk squirrel (Civilian) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Civilian) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) 0. body bag (Switchman) 0.
День 3
Failed to fool the townsfolk – the black team has losses. Добрая ведьма (Don) leaves the table. Pablo Pikaso (Civilian) +2. Добрая ведьма (Don) +2. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) +2. body bag (Switchman) +2. Drunk squirrel (Civilian) +2. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) +2. Drunk squirrel (Civilian) +2. Pablo Pikaso (Civilian) +2. body bag (Switchman) +2. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) +5. Drunk squirrel (Civilian) +8. Pablo Pikaso (Civilian) +8. (Civilian) +5. Опівнічний вершник (Sheriff) +5. body bag (Switchman) +5. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Drunk squirrel (Civilian) 0. Pablo Pikaso (Civilian) 0. body bag (Switchman) 0. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) +5. Drunk squirrel (Civilian) +8. Pablo Pikaso (Civilian) +8. (Civilian) +5. Опівнічний вершник (Sheriff) +5. body bag (Switchman) +5.