The whole burst from Thompson was shot into Хохол (Lola).
The Sheriff went astray and met Стрелок (Switchman) in a deadlock.
"I won't let you die!", - the Doctor shouted inside and cured Хохол (Lola).
Паляниця (Civilian) received the immunity from Lola for the next daytime voting.
The Mafia blood is running off the Maniac's knife – золушка (Mafia) has died.
The Bomb has planned a firework from . Doc, your rating got plus zero for preventive treatment of Хохол (Lola).
The Bomb decided to make the fireworks from . "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - Хохол (Lola).
Госпожа Директор (Don) +2. золушка (Mafia) +2. Джокер (Mafia) +2. Mini Maus (Mafia) +2. Багира (Mafia) +2. Хуллиган (Sheriff) 0. Снежная Королева (Doctor) +3. Алиса (Maniac) +3. Mini Maus (Mafia) 0. Алиса (Maniac) 0. Паляниця (Civilian) 0. Снежная Королева (Doctor) 0. Госпожа Директор (Don) 0. Стрелок (Switchman) 0. Хуллиган (Sheriff) 0. Хохол (Lola) 0. Джокер (Mafia) 0. Багира (Mafia) 0. Черные очки (Civilian) 0. Кристина (Civilian) 0. Белая футболка (Civilian) 0. Дима (Civilian) 0.