The Black team has won, although there some losses on their side! The forced sacrifice allowed the rest to kill those poor innocents and get their trophies! The massacre lasted for 22 minutes. The game details in the report below
Клан Мафии
Добрая ведьма (Don)
Не Зая (Mafia)
Опівнічний вершник (Mafia)
Мирный город
Шальная Императрица (Doctor)
Дочка мільярдера (Switchman)
Blackjack (Gag)
Dushechka (Civilian)
body bag (Sheriff)
Milchoon (Lola)
День 1
Everyone hogs the blanket – as the result the town is left by its faithful citizen body bag (Sheriff)!. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) +2. Milchoon (Lola) +2. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) +5. Дочка мільярдера (Switchman) 0. Не Зая (Mafia) +5. Дочка мільярдера (Switchman) 0. Не Зая (Mafia) +5. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) +5. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Дочка мільярдера (Switchman) 0. Blackjack (Gag) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) 0. Не Зая (Mafia) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) 0. Milchoon (Lola) 0.
Ночь 2
The Mafia punishment caught Шальная Императрица (Doctor) this night. House M.D. would envy our Doctor's intuition – Шальная Императрица (Doctor) was cured. Lola gave herself up to Опівнічний вершник (Mafia). Шальная Императрица (Doctor), you will have to keep silent the next Day. The Plug's decision cannot be disputed! And you won't be able to do it!. The Bomb decided to make the fireworks from . Two inexperienced civilians demounting a bomb. – And if it explodes? – No problem. I have one more! dance on a volcano. Doc treats the townsfolk without any visible wounds, while other people are dying around. This time the pills were taken by Шальная Императрица (Doctor) for no reason. Не Зая (Mafia) +2. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) +2. Добрая ведьма (Don) +2. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) +3. Blackjack (Gag) 0. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Дочка мільярдера (Switchman) 0. Blackjack (Gag) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) 0. Не Зая (Mafia) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) 0. Milchoon (Lola) 0.
День 2
The fight was on two fronts– Blackjack (Gag), Milchoon (Lola) – Milchoon (Lola) didn't survive in the shooting. Milchoon (Lola) - is a lucky one! He was the only one honored to leave the game table! His "good" last word read in the right column. Blackjack (Gag) 0. Дочка мільярдера (Switchman) +2. Добрая ведьма (Don) +2. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) 0. Milchoon (Lola) 0. Не Зая (Mafia) +2. Blackjack (Gag) 0. Не Зая (Mafia) +2. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Дочка мільярдера (Switchman) 0. Blackjack (Gag) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) 0. Не Зая (Mafia) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 3
A hit was put out on Blackjack (Gag) in the criminal world. The performer has already set out. Although the Doctor has appointments a month in advance, but this night he spared time to save Blackjack (Gag). Silence is golden! A golden medal from the Plug is "received" by, Опівнічний вершник (Mafia). If the Bomb is killed, she will take with her. – now their lives depend on the Bomb. Не Зая (Mafia) +2. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) +2. Добрая ведьма (Don) +2. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) +3. Blackjack (Gag) +3. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Дочка мільярдера (Switchman) 0. Blackjack (Gag) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) 0. Не Зая (Mafia) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) 0.
День 3
Bets are made on two horses: Шальная Императрица (Doctor), Blackjack (Gag). Blackjack (Gag) made a packer in the fire-fight and died with it. Now the Mafia is silently laughing because Blackjack (Gag) was lost in the Day-time. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Blackjack (Gag) 0. Дочка мільярдера (Switchman) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) +2. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) +2. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Дочка мільярдера (Switchman) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 4
Our Switchman decided that Шальная Императрица (Doctor) belongs to the Mafia clan. Quick like a bunny! The Bomb stuck to this rule when was mining: . Took the highly explosive path: . "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - Шальная Императрица (Doctor). Добрая ведьма (Don) -1. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) -1. Дочка мільярдера (Switchman) 0. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Дочка мільярдера (Switchman) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) 0.
День 4
The one who steals well is not a thief, but the thief is the one, who covers the traces well. The Mafia tricked the townsfolk and Дочка мільярдера (Switchman) died. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Дочка мільярдера (Switchman) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) +2. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) +2. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) +2. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) +2. Добрая ведьма (Don) +5. Не Зая (Mafia) +5. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) +5. Шальная Императрица (Doctor) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) 0. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) 0. Добрая ведьма (Don) +5. Не Зая (Mafia) +5. Опівнічний вершник (Mafia) +5.