The Mafia decided that Кнопочка (Sheriff) won't wake up in the morning.
Our police commissioner studied badly at the Police Academy since he missed!!! Агресор (Gag) was inspected.
It is simply terrible! Should a woman be mistaken for just 15-20 times, and she is considered fallen! Lola was mistaken again and came across the gangster якудза (Werewolf).
The Maniac who likes a surprise effect, attacked from behind, from above, diagonally. And at dawn. And Чебуратор (Lola) was attacked.
Communication with the town is prohibited for Кнопочка (Sheriff).
In the Bomb's view belong to the gangster clan. The Doctor, go back to junior surgeon if you can't cure anyone. Lana (Maniac) received an unsuccessful treatment.
The epicenter of the explosion will be: . The only Doctor who thinks that you are ok works in the military commissariat. And it seems that ours came from there too – cured Lana (Maniac), although he wasn't shot in.
Гаечка (Don) +2. Ніжніше Ножа (Mafia) +2. Пяга мавпа (Mafia) +2. Кнопочка (Sheriff) 0. кайфова (Doctor) 0. Lana (Maniac) 0. Агресор (Gag) 0. Lana (Maniac) 0. DonMukolon (Switchman) 0. Ніжніше Ножа (Mafia) 0. якудза (Werewolf) 0. Пяга мавпа (Mafia) 0. Агресор (Gag) 0. кайфова (Doctor) 0. Гаечка (Don) 0.