DonMukolon (Mafia) became the Switchman's victim. Either the Sheriff is lazy or he didn’t listen by Day – an inspection of Lana (Werewolf). "Oh, I want to invest money in something great so much... Shall I call Lola?", - Чебуратор (Don) thought. His thoughts became materialized!. It is dark at night and the Maniac mixed up – he cut Якудза (Doctor). The Plug took away words and voice from Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff). Two inexperienced civilians demounting a bomb. – And if it explodes? – No problem. I have one more! dance on a volcano. We should place a ban to operate on Doctor – he cured Якудза (Doctor). Mines are fixed under the chairs of . Чебуратор (Don) -1. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) -1. DonMukolon (Mafia) -1. Агресор (Switchman) +4. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) 0. Якудза (Doctor) 0. Кайфова (Maniac) 0. Гаечка (Gag) 0. Lana (Werewolf) 0. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) 0. Ніжніше Ножа (Lola) 0. Кайфова (Maniac) 0. Агресор (Switchman) 0. Чебуратор (Don) 0. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) 0. Якудза (Doctor) 0. Гаечка (Gag) 0.
День 2
Two dogs over one bone seldom agree - Агресор (Switchman), Якудза (Doctor) at the fire-fight. Hence, Якудза (Doctor) sleeps in the ground!. Якудза (Doctor) wanted to put an end to the outrage but the outrage gunned him down!. Кайфова (Maniac) 0. Lana (Werewolf) 0. Чебуратор (Don) +4. Ніжніше Ножа (Lola) 0. Якудза (Doctor) 0. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) +2. Гаечка (Gag) +2. Агресор (Switchman) 0. Кайфова (Maniac) 0. Агресор (Switchman) 0. Чебуратор (Don) +4. Lana (Werewolf) 0. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) 0. Ніжніше Ножа (Lola) 0. Кайфова (Maniac) 0. Агресор (Switchman) 0. Чебуратор (Don) 0. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) 0. Гаечка (Gag) 0.
Ночь 3
A bowl with concrete and a river were the last harbor for Кайфова (Maniac). Our police commissioner studied badly at the Police Academy since he missed!!! Кайфова (Maniac) was inspected. Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere! Lola visited Lana (Werewolf). The Maniac drives the civilian Гаечка (Gag) into a corner. He has been already exhausted, cannot shout, finds no sense to continue to fight .. The Maniac while drawing a knife: "Are you afraid",? Гаечка (Gag): "No, damn! I am shy!". The Plug decided that Кайфова (Maniac) will be silent. "They were scattered all around the town!", - the townsfolk will say when the Bomb explodes. At gunpoint: . In the Bomb's view belong to the gangster clan. Чебуратор (Don) +2. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) +2. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) 0. Кайфова (Maniac) 0. Гаечка (Gag) 0. Lana (Werewolf) 0. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) 0. Ніжніше Ножа (Lola) 0. Агресор (Switchman) 0. Чебуратор (Don) 0. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) 0.
День 3
The townsfolk were put rose-colored spectacles on!!! Агресор (Switchman) has died!. Lana (Werewolf) 0. Агресор (Switchman) +2. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) 0. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) +2. Чебуратор (Don) +2. Lana (Werewolf) 0. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) 0. Чебуратор (Don) +2. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) +2. Lana (Werewolf) 0. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) 0. Ніжніше Ножа (Lola) 0. Чебуратор (Don) 0. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 4
The witnesses say that the killers were in black hats and coats! Ніжніше Ножа (Lola) was killed at night on the outskirts. The Sheriff caught Чебуратор (Don). A decent Lola will always lend. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff), you owe her..!. The Bomb put its charges on: . – now their lives depend on the Bomb. Чебуратор (Don) +2. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) +2. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) +3. Lana (Werewolf) 0. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) 0. Чебуратор (Don) 0. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) 0.
День 4
"I don't hurry you but do not delay!", - Чебуратор (Don) said to the hangman when he was putting Tyburn tippet on. It didn't work out, the rope was pulled by the whole town.. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) +2. Lana (Werewolf) +2. Чебуратор (Don) +5. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) 0. Lana (Werewolf) +2. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) +2. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) 0. Lana (Werewolf) 0. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) 0. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 5
The Sheriff unravels a Mafia tangle – a string leads to Пяна мавпа (Mafia). Sappers will be needed for the next players: . The list of the mined players: . Пяна мавпа (Mafia) +2. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) +3. Lana (Werewolf) 0. Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) 0. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) 0.
День 5
Once people were walking through the forest and saw an elephant who fell into a hole. They failed to take the elephant out but they fill the hole up so that other elephants won't fall into it. The trunk was twirled to the player Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff). Miss Sweet ❤️ (Sheriff) +2. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) +5. Lana (Werewolf) 0. Lana (Werewolf) 0. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) +5. Чебуратор (Don) +5. DonMukolon (Mafia) +5. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) +5. Lana (Werewolf) 0. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) 0. Чебуратор (Don) +5. DonMukolon (Mafia) +5. Пяна мавпа (Mafia) +5.