The game was tense! There were losses from both sides but the bright power has won this time! We pine over the mafiosi and admire the townsfolk! Read the details of the Day and Night in our daily reports
Клан Мафии
little cobra (Don)
broni (Mafia)
Battle Axe (Mafia)
Мирный город
Matilda (Civilian)
mike tyson (Sheriff)
Snow Queen (Civilian)
President (Doctor)
love battery (Civilian)
Oracle (Maniac)
Bagira (Civilian)
не зая (Switchman)
мистик (Lola)
День 1
All your victims are waiting for you on the other side of the Styx! The townsfolk killed broni (Mafia). broni получил фол. Matilda (Civilian) +2. President (Doctor) +2. Snow Queen (Civilian) +2. mike tyson (Sheriff) +2. little cobra (Don) 0. love battery (Civilian) +2. мистик (Lola) 0. little cobra (Don) 0. Matilda (Civilian) +2. Snow Queen (Civilian) +2. President (Doctor) +2. love battery (Civilian) +2. little cobra (Don) 0. SCARLET (Mafia) 0. Matilda (Civilian) 0. mike tyson (Sheriff) 0. Snow Queen (Civilian) 0. President (Doctor) 0. love battery (Civilian) 0. Oracle (Maniac) 0. Battle Axe (Mafia) 0. Bagira (Civilian) 0. не зая (Switchman) 0. мистик (Lola) 0.
Ночь 2
мистик (Lola) interfered with the Mafia and it tried to kill him (her)!. A night patrolling didn't bring any results – only an innocent мистик (Lola) was took for the inspection. Although he (she) doesn't know it himself (herself) but SCARLET (Mafia) may not worry – Lola came at Night. The Maniac leads Bagira (Civilian) to the forest. He (she) told: "Hey, it's scary here, dark!". The Maniac: "Yes, guess how I am afraid to return alone!". – now their lives depend on the Bomb. "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - SCARLET (Mafia). Mines are fixed under the chairs of . We should place a ban to operate on Doctor – he cured SCARLET (Mafia). Battle Axe (Mafia) +2. SCARLET (Mafia) +2. little cobra (Don) +2. mike tyson (Sheriff) 0. President (Doctor) 0. Oracle (Maniac) 0. little cobra (Don) 0. SCARLET (Mafia) 0. Matilda (Civilian) 0. mike tyson (Sheriff) 0. Snow Queen (Civilian) 0. President (Doctor) 0. love battery (Civilian) 0. Oracle (Maniac) 0. Battle Axe (Mafia) 0. не зая (Switchman) 0.
День 2
And he (she) thought the townsfolk will believe in this lie! little cobra (Don), learn how to bluff!. mike tyson (Sheriff) +2. little cobra (Don) +5. love battery (Civilian) +2. Battle Axe (Mafia) +4. не зая (Switchman) 0. Oracle (Maniac) +2. Matilda (Civilian) +2. SCARLET (Mafia) 0. President (Doctor) +2. Snow Queen (Civilian) +2. SCARLET (Mafia) 0. Matilda (Civilian) +2. mike tyson (Sheriff) +2. Snow Queen (Civilian) +2. President (Doctor) +2. Oracle (Maniac) +2. SCARLET (Mafia) 0. Matilda (Civilian) 0. mike tyson (Sheriff) 0. Snow Queen (Civilian) 0. President (Doctor) 0. love battery (Civilian) 0. Oracle (Maniac) 0. Battle Axe (Mafia) 0. не зая (Switchman) 0.
Ночь 3
The Mafia meeting decided to kill Oracle (Maniac). President (Doctor) can seek compensation in moral damages after the inspection – the police were wrong!. The Mafia blood is running off the Maniac's knife – SCARLET (Mafia) has died. The epicenter of the explosion will be: . For someone - the doctor, for someone - the executioner! Our Doctor didn't guess and healed President (Doctor). The burst wave will carry away: . Doc, your rating got plus zero for preventive treatment of President (Doctor). Battle Axe (Mafia) +2. SCARLET (Mafia) +2. mike tyson (Sheriff) 0. President (Doctor) 0. Oracle (Maniac) +3. Matilda (Civilian) 0. mike tyson (Sheriff) 0. Snow Queen (Civilian) 0. President (Doctor) 0. love battery (Civilian) 0. Battle Axe (Mafia) 0. не зая (Switchman) 0.
День 3
Towns are taken by lies! love battery (Civilian), you've become another victim. Matilda (Civilian) 0. President (Doctor) 0. Snow Queen (Civilian) 0. mike tyson (Sheriff) 0. love battery (Civilian) 0. Battle Axe (Mafia) +5. не зая (Switchman) 0. Matilda (Civilian) 0. mike tyson (Sheriff) 0. Snow Queen (Civilian) 0. President (Doctor) 0. Matilda (Civilian) 0. mike tyson (Sheriff) 0. Snow Queen (Civilian) 0. President (Doctor) 0. Battle Axe (Mafia) 0. не зая (Switchman) 0.
Ночь 4
They will deny that they were shooting into the townsfolk Matilda (Civilian). The eyes will give them away. It seems that the Sheriff forgot his home experience and didn't guess but checked Matilda (Civilian). Quick like a bunny! The Bomb stuck to this rule when was mining: . Doc treats the townsfolk without any visible wounds, while other people are dying around. This time the pills were taken by mike tyson (Sheriff) for no reason. Two inexperienced civilians demounting a bomb. – And if it explodes? – No problem. I have one more! dance on a volcano. It seems that our doctor has been working several night shifts in a row and he doesn't see whom to treat – mike tyson (Sheriff) was mended. Battle Axe (Mafia) +2. mike tyson (Sheriff) 0. President (Doctor) 0. mike tyson (Sheriff) 0. Snow Queen (Civilian) 0. President (Doctor) 0. Battle Axe (Mafia) 0. не зая (Switchman) 0.
День 4
"Lies in the grave because of the lies!", - that's what we will write on the gravestone. Killed Battle Axe (Mafia). President (Doctor) +2. Snow Queen (Civilian) 0. mike tyson (Sheriff) +2. Battle Axe (Mafia) +2. не зая (Switchman) +2. mike tyson (Sheriff) +2. President (Doctor) +2. не зая (Switchman) +2. Matilda (Civilian) +5. mike tyson (Sheriff) +5. Snow Queen (Civilian) +8. President (Doctor) +5. love battery (Civilian) +5. Oracle (Maniac) +5. Bagira (Civilian) +5. не зая (Switchman) +5. мистик (Lola) +5. mike tyson (Sheriff) 0. Snow Queen (Civilian) 0. President (Doctor) 0. не зая (Switchman) 0. Matilda (Civilian) +5. mike tyson (Sheriff) +5. Snow Queen (Civilian) +8. President (Doctor) +5. love battery (Civilian) +5. Oracle (Maniac) +5. Bagira (Civilian) +5. не зая (Switchman) +5. мистик (Lola) +5.