The Mafia meeting decided to kill Bagira (Doctor).
It seems that the Sheriff forgot his home experience and didn't guess but checked marina.lampochka (Maniac).
Bagira (Doctor), you owe a sweetener to the Doctor – he saved you this night.
Alibi to the daytime trail was received by Bagira (Doctor).
Dexter from the TV-show doesn't beat our Maniac! Mickey Mouse 🐭 (Sheriff) can prove it!.
Zip your lip, Bully (Lola).
The Bomb put its charges on: . We should place a ban to operate on Doctor – he cured Bagira (Doctor).
, you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. It seems that our doctor has been working several night shifts in a row and he doesn't see whom to treat – Bagira (Doctor) was mended.
Паляниця (Mafia) +2. Bodybag (Mafia) +2. Ivan (Mafia) +2. eule (Don) +2. Mickey Mouse 🐭 (Sheriff) 0. Bagira (Doctor) +3. marina.lampochka (Maniac) 0. Jon Snow (Gag) 0. Jon Snow (Gag) 0. the good witch (Civilian) 0. Bully (Lola) 0. Паляниця (Mafia) 0. Ivan (Mafia) 0. Bodybag (Mafia) 0. Belka (Werewolf) 0. Bagira (Doctor) 0. marina.lampochka (Maniac) 0. Hallcat (Civilian) 0. eule (Don) 0.