The whole burst from Thompson was shot into Пророк (Bomb).
The Sheriff caught Альфа (Mafia).
A decent Lola will always lend. BRO (Mafia), you owe her..!.
Our Hannibal Lecter sampled tasty parts of Бойова сокира (Civilian) this Night.
Альфа (Mafia) won't be able to participate in the next discussion – a gift from the Plug.
If the Bomb is killed, she will take Mark (Mafia), Supernova (Lola), Бойова сокира (Civilian), BRO (Mafia) with her. The Bomb decided to make the fireworks from Бойова сокира (Civilian), Mark (Mafia), Supernova (Lola), Бойова сокира (Civilian), BRO (Mafia). We should place a ban to operate on Doctor – he cured Безумный Макс (Sheriff).
I won't go to paradise alone – I need friends! will keep company to the Bomb. For someone - the doctor, for someone - the executioner! Our Doctor didn't guess and healed Безумный Макс (Sheriff).
Маленький гвинтик (Mafia) +2. Mark (Mafia) +2. ред дог (Mafia) +2. BRO (Mafia) +2. Альфа (Mafia) +2. Безумный Макс (Sheriff) +3. Шарліз Терон (Doctor) 0. Чікса (Maniac) 0. Суддя (Gag) +3. Пророк (Bomb) +5. Пророк (Bomb) 0. Пророк (Bomb) +5. Маленький гвинтик (Mafia) 0. Шарліз Терон (Doctor) 0. Безумный Макс (Sheriff) 0. Багіра (Werewolf) 0. SLIM SHADY (Civilian) 0. ред дог (Mafia) 0. Альфа (Mafia) 0. Sexi Shooter (Civilian) 0. Лоліта (Switchman) 0. Суддя (Gag) 0. Чікса (Maniac) 0. Божа кульбабка (Civilian) 0.