The cat took hold of the mouse, the dog took hold of the cat, the old woman took hold of the dog, the old man took hold of the old woman - that is the way Sicilian Mafia takes revenge. The resembling zoo took place at the game table today! The mafiosi, congratulations on the victory!!! It was beautiful
Клан Мафии
Тирион Ланистер (Don)
Бог Шашликів (Mafia)
alfa (Mafia)
Мирный город
Mickey Mouse (Switchman)
Хулиган (Sheriff)
Добрая ведьма (Civilian)
Matilda (Gag)
Спікер (Doctor)
body bag (Lola)
Milchoon (Maniac)
bagira (Civilian)
День 1
He will be buried together with other honest townsfolk! Rest in peace, body bag (Lola). bagira (Civilian) 0. alfa (Mafia) +2. body bag (Lola) 0. Milchoon (Maniac) 0. Mickey Mouse (Switchman) 0. Matilda (Gag) 0. Бог Шашликів (Mafia) +4. Mickey Mouse (Switchman) 0. Matilda (Gag) 0. alfa (Mafia) +2. Бог Шашликів (Mafia) 0. Mickey Mouse (Switchman) 0. Хулиган (Sheriff) 0. Добрая ведьма (Civilian) 0. Тирион Ланистер (Don) 0. Matilda (Gag) 0. Спікер (Doctor) 0. Milchoon (Maniac) 0. bagira (Civilian) 0. alfa (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 2
The gangster shot in Хулиган (Sheriff). The Sheriff, how could you not trust Matilda (Gag)? Mistake. I know for sure - someone will die today! I know where, I know how. I'm not a fortune teller, I'm a Maniac! And I've killed Mickey Mouse (Switchman) today. The Switchman ricocheted a shot at Matilda (Gag). Хулиган (Sheriff) holds tongue and keeps silent. The Bomb decided to make the fireworks from . We should place a ban to operate on Doctor – he cured Бог Шашликів (Mafia). I won't go to paradise alone – I need friends! will keep company to the Bomb. It seems that X-ray is broken if the Doctor can't heal anyone. A free examination was received by Бог Шашликів (Mafia). Тирион Ланистер (Don) +2. Бог Шашликів (Mafia) +2. alfa (Mafia) +2. Хулиган (Sheriff) 0. Спікер (Doctor) 0. Milchoon (Maniac) 0. Mickey Mouse (Switchman) 0. Matilda (Gag) 0. Бог Шашликів (Mafia) 0. Mickey Mouse (Switchman) 0. Добрая ведьма (Civilian) 0. Тирион Ланистер (Don) 0. Спікер (Doctor) 0. Milchoon (Maniac) 0. bagira (Civilian) 0. alfa (Mafia) 0.
День 2
The name of the Mafia at the table has left a secret because a civilian is leaving – bagira (Civilian)!. bagira (Civilian) +2. Бог Шашликів (Mafia) 0. Спікер (Doctor) 0. Тирион Ланистер (Don) +4. Mickey Mouse (Switchman) 0. Добрая ведьма (Civilian) 0. Milchoon (Maniac) 0. alfa (Mafia) +4. Mickey Mouse (Switchman) 0. Спікер (Doctor) 0. Milchoon (Maniac) 0. Бог Шашликів (Mafia) 0. Mickey Mouse (Switchman) 0. Добрая ведьма (Civilian) 0. Тирион Ланистер (Don) 0. Спікер (Doctor) 0. Milchoon (Maniac) 0. alfa (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 3
The Mafia decided that Добрая ведьма (Civilian) won't wake up in the morning. The Mafia is afraid of him!!! And for good reason! The Maniac dealt with Бог Шашликів (Mafia). , you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. "Sick wake up - it's time to take sleeping pills!", - that is how we work.. The Doctor healed in vain - Спікер (Doctor). The list of the mined players: . Тирион Ланистер (Don) +2. Бог Шашликів (Mafia) +2. alfa (Mafia) +2. Спікер (Doctor) 0. Milchoon (Maniac) +3. Mickey Mouse (Switchman) 0. Тирион Ланистер (Don) 0. Спікер (Doctor) 0. Milchoon (Maniac) 0. alfa (Mafia) 0.
День 3
Once people were walking through the forest and saw an elephant who fell into a hole. They failed to take the elephant out but they fill the hole up so that other elephants won't fall into it. The trunk was twirled to the player Спікер (Doctor). Milchoon (Maniac) 0. Mickey Mouse (Switchman) 0. Тирион Ланистер (Don) 0. Спікер (Doctor) +2. alfa (Mafia) +4. Mickey Mouse (Switchman) 0. Milchoon (Maniac) 0. alfa (Mafia) +4. Mickey Mouse (Switchman) 0. Тирион Ланистер (Don) 0. Milchoon (Maniac) 0. alfa (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 4
The weapons are ready! A bullet from Thompson lodged in Milchoon (Maniac)!. Although a lot of people are afraid of him, he plays on the innocents' side! The Maniac has proved it today – he killed alfa (Mafia). Two inexperienced civilians demounting a bomb. – And if it explodes? – No problem. I have one more! dance on a volcano. Тирион Ланистер (Don) +2. alfa (Mafia) +2. Milchoon (Maniac) +3. Mickey Mouse (Switchman) 0. Тирион Ланистер (Don) 0.