A hit was put out on Кіт Бодун (Lola) in the criminal world. The performer has already set out. We just have a captain Colombo, not the Sheriff! He sniffed Кнопочка (Mafia) out. "Oh, I want to invest money in something great so much... Shall I call Lola?", - пʼяна мавпа (Switchman) thought. His thoughts became materialized!. Нагибатор (Mafia) holds tongue and keeps silent. The Bomb decided to make the fireworks from . The Doctor didn't cure anyone and there are dead bodies at the table. Агресор (Doctor) received the pills. In the Bomb's view belong to the gangster clan. For someone - the doctor, for someone - the executioner! Our Doctor didn't guess and healed Агресор (Doctor). Лапочка (Don) +2. Борода (Mafia) +2. Кнопочка (Mafia) +2. Ділер (Mafia) +2. Білка Хотілка (Mafia) +2. Нагибатор (Mafia) +2. Ванга (Sheriff) +3. Агресор (Doctor) 0. Стервочка (Gag) +3. Лапочка (Don) 0. Борода (Mafia) 0. Агресор (Doctor) 0. Якудза (Werewolf) 0. пʼяна мавпа (Switchman) 0. Стервочка (Gag) 0. Ділер (Mafia) 0. Нагибатор (Mafia) 0. Ванга (Sheriff) 0. Білка Хотілка (Mafia) 0. Кнопочка (Mafia) 0.
День 2
A man can die but once. In the fire-fight between Нагибатор (Mafia), Кнопочка (Mafia). Нагибатор (Mafia) didn't spare his (her) fate. "One black sheep will spoil the flock", - the townsfolk considered and pitched Нагибатор (Mafia) out to the wood. Борода (Mafia) +2. Агресор (Doctor) +2. Стервочка (Gag) +2. Ванга (Sheriff) +2. пʼяна мавпа (Switchman) 0. Якудза (Werewolf) 0. Лапочка (Don) 0. Білка Хотілка (Mafia) 0. Кнопочка (Mafia) 0. Лапочка (Don) 0. Агресор (Doctor) +2. Кнопочка (Mafia) 0. Лапочка (Don) 0. Борода (Mafia) 0. Агресор (Doctor) 0. Якудза (Werewolf) 0. пʼяна мавпа (Switchman) 0. Стервочка (Gag) 0. Ділер (Mafia) 0. Ванга (Sheriff) 0. Білка Хотілка (Mafia) 0. Кнопочка (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 3
No mercy on the Mafia – the police commissioner smashed Кнопочка (Mafia). Henceforth are not to be trifled with the Bomb. The Doctor missed into Агресор (Doctor). The Bomb decided that it will go away together with: . We have an inattentive doctor – he was saving Агресор (Doctor) from death, but the body with another nickname was found!. Лапочка (Don) +2. Борода (Mafia) +2. Кнопочка (Mafia) +2. Ділер (Mafia) +2. Білка Хотілка (Mafia) +2. Ванга (Sheriff) +6. Агресор (Doctor) 0. Лапочка (Don) 0. Борода (Mafia) 0. Агресор (Doctor) 0. Якудза (Werewolf) 0. пʼяна мавпа (Switchman) 0. Ділер (Mafia) 0. Ванга (Sheriff) 0. Білка Хотілка (Mafia) 0.
The night meeting of the Mafia has concluded that the town should be left by Агресор (Doctor). The Sheriff ate a lot of banana oil from the Mafia by Day and missed into пʼяна мавпа (Switchman). Mines are fixed under the chairs of . The only Doctor who thinks that you are ok works in the military commissariat. And it seems that ours came from there too – cured Борода (Mafia), although he wasn't shot in. Лапочка (Don) +2. Борода (Mafia) +2. Ділер (Mafia) +2. Білка Хотілка (Mafia) +2. Ванга (Sheriff) 0. Агресор (Doctor) 0. Лапочка (Don) 0. Борода (Mafia) 0. пʼяна мавпа (Switchman) 0. Ділер (Mafia) 0. Ванга (Sheriff) 0. Білка Хотілка (Mafia) 0.