Альфа (Civilian) interfered with the Mafia and it tried to kill him (her)!.
The Sheriff, how could you not trust Mistick (Gag)? Mistake.
Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere! Lola visited Сказочник (Sheriff).
If Альфа (Civilian) utter a word at the next voting he (she) will die.
"They were scattered all around the town!", - the townsfolk will say when the Bomb explodes. At gunpoint: Хулиган (Mafia), Donald Trump (Civilian), Берсерк (Doctor), Альфа (Civilian). Mines are fixed under the chairs of . Doc, your rating got plus zero for preventive treatment of секс інструктор (Civilian).
Took the highly explosive path: . The Doctor, go back to junior surgeon if you can't cure anyone. секс інструктор (Civilian) received an unsuccessful treatment.
Инферно (Mafia) +2. Могильник (Mafia) +2. Клоун (Don) +2. КОРОЛЕВА НОЧІ (Mafia) +2. markiv.andrew (Mafia) +2. Хулиган (Mafia) +2. Сказочник (Sheriff) 0. Берсерк (Doctor) 0. Mistick (Gag) 0. Чорная Мамба (Jailer) +3. markiv.andrew (Mafia) 0. Хулиган (Mafia) 0. Donald Trump (Civilian) 0. Pablo (Bomb) 0. Берсерк (Doctor) 0. Могильник (Mafia) 0. Клайд (Civilian) 0. Инферно (Mafia) 0. секс інструктор (Civilian) 0. Mistick (Gag) 0. КОРОЛЕВА НОЧІ (Mafia) 0. body bag (Switchman) 0. Чорная Мамба (Jailer) 0. Пекельний кіт (Civilian) 0. Клоун (Don) 0. Сказочник (Sheriff) 0. Могильщик (Lola) 0.