The crime was really organized today! Thoughtful actions and confidence gave their result – all the innocents were killed... Requiem for the fallen and the winners further in the column
Клан Мафии
Верона (Don)
юзер (Mafia)
Малюк (Mafia)
Мирный город
111 (Sheriff)
ксіон (Lola)
Багряний (Doctor)
гайка (Maniac)
Голді (Civilian)
арія (Civilian)
няшка (Civilian)
День 1
the townsfolk lost way in broad daylight: юзер (Mafia), ксіон (Lola), Голді (Civilian). The tallest one was cut – Голді (Civilian). He will be buried together with other honest townsfolk! Rest in peace, Голді (Civilian). Верона (Don) 0. няшка (Civilian) +2. арія (Civilian) 0. Голді (Civilian) +2. гайка (Maniac) 0. Багряний (Doctor) 0. ксіон (Lola) +2. Малюк (Mafia) +2. юзер (Mafia) +2. 111 (Sheriff) 0. юзер (Mafia) +2. гайка (Maniac) 0. Верона (Don) 0. 111 (Sheriff) 0. юзер (Mafia) 0. Малюк (Mafia) 0. ксіон (Lola) 0. Багряний (Doctor) 0. гайка (Maniac) 0. арія (Civilian) 0. няшка (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 2
The Mafia punishment caught няшка (Civilian) this night. The Sheriff is on the right track – he guessed right юзер (Mafia). Lola thinks that гайка (Maniac) is the innocent. Our serial killer earns some points - he killed Малюк (Mafia). The Bomb put its charges on: . "Sick wake up - it's time to take sleeping pills!", - that is how we work.. The Doctor healed in vain - арія (Civilian). In the Bomb's view belong to the gangster clan. The Doctor missed into арія (Civilian). Верона (Don) +2. Малюк (Mafia) +2. юзер (Mafia) +2. 111 (Sheriff) +3. Багряний (Doctor) 0. гайка (Maniac) +3. Верона (Don) 0. 111 (Sheriff) 0. юзер (Mafia) 0. ксіон (Lola) 0. Багряний (Doctor) 0. гайка (Maniac) 0. арія (Civilian) 0.
День 2
The one who steals well is not a thief, but the thief is the one, who covers the traces well. The Mafia tricked the townsfolk and ксіон (Lola) died. Верона (Don) +2. арія (Civilian) 0. гайка (Maniac) 0. Багряний (Doctor) 0. ксіон (Lola) +2. юзер (Mafia) +2. 111 (Sheriff) +2. Верона (Don) +2. юзер (Mafia) +2. гайка (Maniac) 0. Верона (Don) 0. 111 (Sheriff) 0. юзер (Mafia) 0. Багряний (Doctor) 0. гайка (Maniac) 0. арія (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 3
The Mafia run like a well-oiled machine! гайка (Maniac) was banged off. The Sheriff scores points – he checked Верона (Don). The Maniac doesn't take care of the townsfolk – minus арія (Civilian). Quick like a bunny! The Bomb stuck to this rule when was mining: . "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - Верона (Don). The epicenter of the explosion will be: . The Doctor, go back to junior surgeon if you can't cure anyone. Верона (Don) received an unsuccessful treatment. Верона (Don) +2. юзер (Mafia) +2. 111 (Sheriff) +3. Багряний (Doctor) 0. гайка (Maniac) 0. Верона (Don) 0. 111 (Sheriff) 0. юзер (Mafia) 0. Багряний (Doctor) 0.