The Mafia run like a well-oiled machine! broni (Civilian) was banged off.
This night the Sheriff didn't reveal the secret – an inspection of горец монах (Civilian).
"Oh, I want to invest money in something great so much... Shall I call Lola?", - фредди крюгер (Sheriff) thought. His thoughts became materialized!.
The Maniac who likes a surprise effect, attacked from behind, from above, diagonally. And at dawn. And Скарлет (Civilian) was attacked.
Henceforth are not to be trifled with the Bomb. It seems that our doctor has been working several night shifts in a row and he doesn't see whom to treat – супер женщина (Switchman) was mended.
"They were scattered all around the town!", - the townsfolk will say when the Bomb explodes. At gunpoint: . The Doctor didn't cure anyone and there are dead bodies at the table. супер женщина (Switchman) received the pills.
Марта (Mafia) +2. майк тайсон (Mafia) +2. мики маус (Mafia) +2. клайд (Don) +2. фредди крюгер (Sheriff) 0. blackjack (Doctor) 0. Не Зая (Maniac) 0. Judge (Civilian) 0. Не Зая (Maniac) 0. blackjack (Doctor) 0. Марта (Mafia) 0. фредди крюгер (Sheriff) 0. супер женщина (Switchman) 0. клайд (Don) 0. майк тайсон (Mafia) 0. мики маус (Mafia) 0. горец монах (Civilian) 0. мафин (Lola) 0.