The innocents have completely killed the Mafia clan. The townsfolk weren't tricked by their theories and ideas, and got the victory! Managed in 49 minutes. Details will be in the next review
They will deny that they were shooting into the townsfolk гаечка (Maniac). The eyes will give them away. The Sheriff failed and checked белка хотелка (Lola). There was notoriety around the town about her, and that is why she had a lot of clients. Today Lola spent the night with Борода (Doctor). A dead body of диллер (Mafia) was found in the morning. The Maniac is a suspect. Next round Агресор (Switchman) will communicate by signs!. Sappers' children eat farina porridge without touching lumps: . The Doctor, go back to junior surgeon if you can't cure anyone. Борода (Doctor) received an unsuccessful treatment. The Bomb put its charges on: . It seems that our doctor has been working several night shifts in a row and he doesn't see whom to treat – Борода (Doctor) was mended. нахабний (Mafia) +2. диллер (Mafia) +2. чоловик на годину (Don) +2. Інтим не пропонувати (Sheriff) 0. Борода (Doctor) 0. гаечка (Maniac) +3. лапочка (Gag) 0. Борода (Doctor) 0. Агресор (Switchman) 0. Інтим не пропонувати (Sheriff) 0. лапочка (Gag) 0. белка хотелка (Lola) 0. чоловик на годину (Don) 0. нахабний (Mafia) 0.
День 2
The innocents, who voted for your death will receive a dollar to their purses! чоловик на годину (Don) was sentenced to execution. Борода (Doctor) +2. Інтим не пропонувати (Sheriff) +2. лапочка (Gag) +2. белка хотелка (Lola) +2. чоловик на годину (Don) +4. нахабний (Mafia) 0. Борода (Doctor) +2. Інтим не пропонувати (Sheriff) +2. лапочка (Gag) +2. белка хотелка (Lola) +2. нахабний (Mafia) 0. Борода (Doctor) 0. Агресор (Switchman) 0. Інтим не пропонувати (Sheriff) 0. лапочка (Gag) 0. белка хотелка (Lola) 0. нахабний (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 3
The Switchman shot back in Борода (Doctor). The Sheriff went astray and met Агресор (Switchman) in a deadlock. Агресор (Switchman) received the immunity from Lola for the next daytime voting. The next Day нахабний (Mafia) will keep silent. – now their lives depend on the Bomb. The list of the mined players: . We have an inattentive doctor – he was saving Борода (Doctor) from death, but the body with another nickname was found!. нахабний (Mafia) -1. Агресор (Switchman) 0. Інтим не пропонувати (Sheriff) 0. Борода (Doctor) 0. лапочка (Gag) +3. Борода (Doctor) 0. Агресор (Switchman) 0. Інтим не пропонувати (Sheriff) 0. лапочка (Gag) 0. белка хотелка (Lola) 0. нахабний (Mafia) 0.
День 3
The one who steals well is not a thief, but the thief is the one, who covers the traces well. The Mafia tricked the townsfolk and Інтим не пропонувати (Sheriff) died. Борода (Doctor) 0. Інтим не пропонувати (Sheriff) 0. лапочка (Gag) 0. белка хотелка (Lola) 0. Агресор (Switchman) 0. Борода (Doctor) 0. Агресор (Switchman) 0. лапочка (Gag) 0. белка хотелка (Lola) 0. Борода (Doctor) 0. Агресор (Switchman) 0. лапочка (Gag) 0. белка хотелка (Lola) 0. нахабний (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 4
The Mafia tried wooden mackintosh to the body of белка хотелка (Lola). Lola gave herself up to лапочка (Gag). Борода (Doctor) won't be able to participate in the next discussion – a gift from the Plug. The Bomb decided to make the fireworks from . In the Bomb's view belong to the gangster clan. нахабний (Mafia) +2. лапочка (Gag) 0. Борода (Doctor) 0. Агресор (Switchman) 0. лапочка (Gag) 0. нахабний (Mafia) 0.
День 4
The townsfolk prepared three gallows for their citizens: Агресор (Switchman), лапочка (Gag), нахабний (Mafia).. нахабний (Mafia) was hoisted at dawn. "It seems that the waggon goes hard because of him", - the innocents thought! нахабний (Mafia) appeared to be the sixth wheel!. Агресор (Switchman) +2. лапочка (Gag) 0. нахабний (Mafia) +2. Агресор (Switchman) +2. Борода (Doctor) +5. Агресор (Switchman) +5. Інтим не пропонувати (Sheriff) +5. лапочка (Gag) +5. гаечка (Maniac) +5. белка хотелка (Lola) +5. Борода (Doctor) 0. Агресор (Switchman) 0. лапочка (Gag) 0. Борода (Doctor) +5. Агресор (Switchman) +5. Інтим не пропонувати (Sheriff) +5. лапочка (Gag) +5. гаечка (Maniac) +5. белка хотелка (Lola) +5.