While the brain is analyzing, intuition has already taken the decision! The sixth sense didn't let down the innocents – the victory is to the honest players!! The defeat step by step is in the review below
Клан Мафии
Супернова (Don)
markiv.andrew (Mafia)
Donald Trump (Mafia)
Боді (Mafia)
Президент (Mafia)
Мирный город
azucar1198 (Lola)
Бухий (Doctor)
Inferno (Civilian)
Bully (Civilian)
Ivan (Gag)
Янголятко (Civilian)
Радужний Єдиноріг (Sheriff)
Бухий (Civilian)
Добрая Ведьма (Switchman)
Альфа (Civilian)
Йди Броди (Maniac)
День 1
"One black sheep will spoil the flock", - the townsfolk considered and pitched Donald Trump (Mafia) out to the wood. Йди Броди получил фол. Bully (Civilian) 0. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) +2. Янголятко (Civilian) 0. markiv.andrew (Mafia) +2. Радужний Єдиноріг (Sheriff) 0. azucar1198 (Lola) 0. Inferno (Civilian) +2. Йди Броди (Maniac) +2. Боді (Mafia) +4. Бухий (Doctor) +2. Ivan (Gag) 0. Супернова (Don) 0. Donald Trump (Mafia) +2. Бухий (Doctor) +2. Inferno (Civilian) +2. Супернова (Don) 0. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) +2. Йди Броди (Maniac) +2. azucar1198 (Lola) 0. markiv.andrew (Mafia) 0. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Civilian) 0. Bully (Civilian) 0. Ivan (Gag) 0. Янголятко (Civilian) 0. Радужний Єдиноріг (Sheriff) 0. Боді (Mafia) 0. Супернова (Don) 0. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) 0. Альфа (Civilian) 0. Президент (Mafia) 0. Йди Броди (Maniac) 0.
Ночь 2
The Mafia billiards – from the cushion into the Switchman and markiv.andrew (Mafia) is in the pot!. The police authorities arrested the wrong person for checking – Добрая Ведьма (Switchman). At Night Lola relieved distress to the player Радужний Єдиноріг (Sheriff) – now he (she) can feel safe at the daytime voting. An innocent blood drops off the Maniac's blade – Радужний Єдиноріг (Sheriff) didn't survive. Супернова (Don) holds tongue and keeps silent. The burst wave will carry away: . The Doctor, go back to junior surgeon if you can't cure anyone. Bully (Civilian) received an unsuccessful treatment. – now their lives depend on the Bomb. Doc, your rating got plus zero for preventive treatment of Bully (Civilian). Супернова (Don) -1. Президент (Mafia) -1. Боді (Mafia) -1. markiv.andrew (Mafia) -1. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) +4. Радужний Єдиноріг (Sheriff) 0. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Йди Броди (Maniac) 0. Ivan (Gag) +3. azucar1198 (Lola) 0. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Civilian) 0. Bully (Civilian) 0. Ivan (Gag) 0. Янголятко (Civilian) 0. Боді (Mafia) 0. Супернова (Don) 0. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) 0. Альфа (Civilian) 0. Президент (Mafia) 0. Йди Броди (Maniac) 0.
A bowl with concrete and a river were the last harbor for Йди Броди (Maniac). Супернова (Don) won't die at the daytime voting. Dexter from the TV-show doesn't beat our Maniac! Альфа (Civilian) can prove it!. It's better to be silent than to grumble! The Plug visited azucar1198 (Lola). The epicenter of the explosion will be: . Doc treats the townsfolk without any visible wounds, while other people are dying around. This time the pills were taken by Ivan (Gag) for no reason. Two inexperienced civilians demounting a bomb. – And if it explodes? – No problem. I have one more! dance on a volcano. Супернова (Don) +2. Президент (Mafia) +2. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Йди Броди (Maniac) 0. Ivan (Gag) 0. azucar1198 (Lola) 0. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Civilian) 0. Bully (Civilian) 0. Ivan (Gag) 0. Янголятко (Civilian) 0. Супернова (Don) 0. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) 0. Президент (Mafia) 0.
День 3
Lola decided that Супернова (Don) – is an innocent, and the townsfolk think differently. There are no victims on the daytime vote. Inferno (Civilian) +2. Бухий (Doctor) +2. Ivan (Gag) +2. Супернова (Don) +2. Bully (Civilian) +2. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) +2. Президент (Mafia) 0. Янголятко (Civilian) +2. azucar1198 (Lola) 0. azucar1198 (Lola) 0. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Civilian) 0. Bully (Civilian) 0. Ivan (Gag) 0. Янголятко (Civilian) 0. Супернова (Don) 0. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) 0. Президент (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 4
The Mafia shot hit Ivan (Gag). If the townsfolk decide to kill Янголятко (Civilian), that's not going to happen – Lola came at Night. Янголятко (Civilian), you won't vote the next round! The Plug decided so. In the Bomb's view belong to the gangster clan. It seems that X-ray is broken if the Doctor can't heal anyone. A free examination was received by Bully (Civilian). The Bomb decided to make the fireworks from . It seems that our doctor has been working several night shifts in a row and he doesn't see whom to treat – Bully (Civilian) was mended. Супернова (Don) +2. Президент (Mafia) +2. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Gag) 0. azucar1198 (Lola) 0. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Civilian) 0. Bully (Civilian) 0. Янголятко (Civilian) 0. Супернова (Don) 0. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) 0. Президент (Mafia) 0.
День 4
And he (she) thought the townsfolk will believe in this lie! Супернова (Don), learn how to bluff!. Bully (Civilian) +2. Супернова (Don) +2. Бухий (Doctor) +2. Inferno (Civilian) +2. azucar1198 (Lola) +2. Президент (Mafia) 0. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) +2. azucar1198 (Lola) +2. Бухий (Doctor) +2. Inferno (Civilian) +2. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) +2. Президент (Mafia) 0. azucar1198 (Lola) 0. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Civilian) 0. Bully (Civilian) 0. Янголятко (Civilian) 0. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) 0. Президент (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 5
"He knows too much", - the Mafia thought and shot into Bully (Civilian). A decent Lola will always lend. Inferno (Civilian), you owe her..!. Sappers' children eat farina porridge without touching lumps: . "Sick wake up - it's time to take sleeping pills!", - that is how we work.. The Doctor healed in vain - azucar1198 (Lola). Quick like a bunny! The Bomb stuck to this rule when was mining: . We should place a ban to operate on Doctor – he cured azucar1198 (Lola). Президент (Mafia) +2. Бухий (Doctor) 0. azucar1198 (Lola) 0. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Civilian) 0. Янголятко (Civilian) 0. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) 0. Президент (Mafia) 0.
День 5
He will be buried together with other honest townsfolk! Rest in peace, Янголятко (Civilian). azucar1198 (Lola) +2. Янголятко (Civilian) 0. Президент (Mafia) +2. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) 0. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Civilian) 0. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Civilian) 0. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) 0. Президент (Mafia) +2. azucar1198 (Lola) 0. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Civilian) 0. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) 0. Президент (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 6
azucar1198 (Lola) interfered with the Mafia and it tried to kill him (her)!. It seems that Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) was the most eager and Lola visited him (her). Sappers will be needed for the next players: . Did the patient die? Or should I work? The Doctor plays irresponsive and vainly cures Бухий (Doctor). Henceforth are not to be trifled with the Bomb. The Doctor didn't cure anyone and there are dead bodies at the table. Бухий (Doctor) received the pills. Президент (Mafia) +2. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Civilian) 0. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) 0. Президент (Mafia) 0.
День 6
"It seems that the waggon goes hard because of him", - the innocents thought! Президент (Mafia) appeared to be the sixth wheel!. Inferno (Civilian) +2. Президент (Mafia) +2. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) +2. Бухий (Doctor) +2. Бухий (Doctor) +2. Inferno (Civilian) +2. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) +2. azucar1198 (Lola) +5. Бухий (Doctor) +5. Inferno (Civilian) +8. Bully (Civilian) +5. Ivan (Gag) +5. Янголятко (Civilian) +5. Радужний Єдиноріг (Sheriff) +5. Бухий (Civilian) +5. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) +5. Альфа (Civilian) +5. Йди Броди (Maniac) +5. Бухий (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Civilian) 0. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) 0. azucar1198 (Lola) +5. Бухий (Doctor) +5. Inferno (Civilian) +8. Bully (Civilian) +5. Ivan (Gag) +5. Янголятко (Civilian) +5. Радужний Єдиноріг (Sheriff) +5. Бухий (Civilian) +5. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) +5. Альфа (Civilian) +5. Йди Броди (Maniac) +5.