"He knows too much", - the Mafia thought and shot into azucar1198 (Gag).
The inspection wasn't successful – Ivan (Civilian).
It can be only in a fairy tale: thousand and one nights, it is much more expensive in real life! Bully (Doctor), you owe Lola several thousand!.
Although a lot of people are afraid of him, he plays on the innocents' side! The Maniac has proved it today – he killed Йди Броди (Mafia).
Zip your lip, Йди Броди (Mafia).
Took the highly explosive path: . "Sick wake up - it's time to take sleeping pills!", - that is how we work.. The Doctor healed in vain - Йди Броди (Mafia).
If the Bomb is killed, she will take with her. Doc, your rating got plus zero for preventive treatment of Йди Броди (Mafia).
Альфа (Don) +2. Боді (Mafia) +2. Йди Броди (Mafia) +2. Donald Trump (Mafia) +2. Радужний Єдиноріг (Sheriff) 0. Bully (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Maniac) +3. azucar1198 (Gag) +3. markiv.andrew (Civilian) 0. Inferno (Maniac) 0. Donald Trump (Mafia) 0. Bully (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Civilian) 0. Супернова (Civilian) 0. Добрая Ведьма (Switchman) 0. Йди Броди (Mafia) 0. Президент (Civilian) 0. Альфа (Don) 0. Янголятко (Lola) 0. Боді (Mafia) 0. Радужний Єдиноріг (Sheriff) 0.