The game was tense! There were losses from both sides but the dark power has won this time! We pine over the innocents and admire the mafiosi! Read the details of the Day and Night in our daily reports
Клан Мафии
Blueberry Muffin (Don)
Bully (Mafia)
Ivan (Mafia)
ALPHA (Mafia)
Мирный город
Hallcat (Civilian)
Curly Sue (Maniac)
Faraday (Werewolf)
the good witch (Switchman)
Grave Digger (Doctor)
judge (Civilian)
Kica (Sheriff)
Criss Cross (Civilian)
Blackjack (Civilian)
День 1
Without delay, the Mafia , jumped into action and judge (Civilian) was put to the vote. Bully (Mafia) +2. Ivan (Mafia) +2. the good witch (Switchman) +2. Criss Cross (Civilian) +2. Hallcat (Civilian) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Kica (Sheriff) 0. judge (Civilian) +2. Blueberry Muffin (Don) +2. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. ALPHA (Mafia) +2. Blackjack (Civilian) 0. Hallcat (Civilian) 0. Blueberry Muffin (Don) +2. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. ALPHA (Mafia) +2. Kica (Sheriff) 0. Blackjack (Civilian) 0. Hallcat (Civilian) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Faraday (Werewolf) 0. the good witch (Switchman) 0. Bully (Mafia) 0. Blueberry Muffin (Don) 0. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Mafia) 0. ALPHA (Mafia) 0. Kica (Sheriff) 0. Criss Cross (Civilian) 0. Blackjack (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 2
Either the Sheriff is lazy or he didn’t listen by Day – an inspection of Blackjack (Civilian). The Maniac, be careful! The town has a loss – Hallcat (Civilian). The epicenter of the explosion will be: . Doc treats the townsfolk without any visible wounds, while other people are dying around. This time the pills were taken by Blackjack (Civilian) for no reason. Henceforth are not to be trifled with the Bomb. Did the patient die? Or should I work? The Doctor plays irresponsive and vainly cures Blackjack (Civilian). Bully (Mafia) +2. ALPHA (Mafia) +2. Blueberry Muffin (Don) +2. Ivan (Mafia) +2. Kica (Sheriff) 0. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Faraday (Werewolf) 0. the good witch (Switchman) 0. Bully (Mafia) 0. Blueberry Muffin (Don) 0. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Mafia) 0. ALPHA (Mafia) 0. Kica (Sheriff) 0. Criss Cross (Civilian) 0. Blackjack (Civilian) 0.
День 2
Our ALPHA (Mafia) "got" likes most of all! See you next time!. Ivan получил фол. Faraday получил фол. the good witch (Switchman) +2. Criss Cross (Civilian) +2. Curly Sue (Maniac) +2. Kica (Sheriff) 0. Blueberry Muffin (Don) +2. Grave Digger (Doctor) +2. ALPHA (Mafia) +2. Blackjack (Civilian) 0. Faraday (Werewolf) +2. Bully (Mafia) 0. Ivan (Mafia) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) +2. Faraday (Werewolf) +2. Bully (Mafia) 0. Ivan (Mafia) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Faraday (Werewolf) 0. the good witch (Switchman) 0. Bully (Mafia) 0. Blueberry Muffin (Don) 0. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Mafia) 0. Kica (Sheriff) 0. Criss Cross (Civilian) 0. Blackjack (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 3
Someone had shot down the Switchman and he shot at Bully (Mafia) in return. This night the Sheriff didn't reveal the secret – an inspection of Curly Sue (Maniac). Our serial killer took apart the wrong body!!! Faraday (Werewolf) was collected in the bags!. Quick like a bunny! The Bomb stuck to this rule when was mining: . The Doctor missed into Criss Cross (Civilian). , you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. We have an inattentive doctor – he was saving Criss Cross (Civilian) from death, but the body with another nickname was found!. Bully (Mafia) -1. Blueberry Muffin (Don) -1. Ivan (Mafia) -1. the good witch (Switchman) +4. Kica (Sheriff) 0. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. the good witch (Switchman) 0. Blueberry Muffin (Don) 0. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Mafia) 0. Kica (Sheriff) 0. Criss Cross (Civilian) 0. Blackjack (Civilian) 0.
День 3
All your victims are waiting for you on the other side of the Styx! The townsfolk killed Blueberry Muffin (Don). Blueberry Muffin (Don) +2. Kica (Sheriff) +2. Curly Sue (Maniac) +2. Criss Cross (Civilian) 0. the good witch (Switchman) +2. Ivan (Mafia) 0. Blackjack (Civilian) +2. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) +2. the good witch (Switchman) +2. Ivan (Mafia) 0. Kica (Sheriff) +2. Blackjack (Civilian) +2. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. the good witch (Switchman) 0. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Mafia) 0. Kica (Sheriff) 0. Criss Cross (Civilian) 0. Blackjack (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 4
The Mafia meeting decided to kill Blackjack (Civilian). Urgent!! To the frontpage of our newspaper! The Sheriff guessed right Ivan (Mafia) !. I know for sure - someone will die today! I know where, I know how. I'm not a fortune teller, I'm a Maniac! And I've killed Blackjack (Civilian) today. If the Bomb is killed, she will take with her. We should place a ban to operate on Doctor – he cured Criss Cross (Civilian). I won't go to paradise alone – I need friends! will keep company to the Bomb. "Sick wake up - it's time to take sleeping pills!", - that is how we work.. The Doctor healed in vain - Criss Cross (Civilian). Ivan (Mafia) +2. Kica (Sheriff) +3. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. the good witch (Switchman) 0. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Mafia) 0. Kica (Sheriff) 0. Criss Cross (Civilian) 0.
День 4
The townsfolk played the good witch (Switchman), Criss Cross (Civilian) off against each other in the shooting! the good witch (Switchman) appeared to have weaker forehead!. The townsfolk bought a cat in the sack – voted for the innocent the good witch (Switchman). the good witch (Switchman) 0. Ivan (Mafia) +2. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Kica (Sheriff) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Criss Cross (Civilian) 0. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Kica (Sheriff) 0. Criss Cross (Civilian) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Mafia) 0. Kica (Sheriff) 0. Criss Cross (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 5
A hit was put out on Kica (Sheriff) in the criminal world. The performer has already set out. Our police commissioner didn't give credence to the townsfolk and missed into Criss Cross (Civilian). House M.D. would envy our Doctor's intuition – Kica (Sheriff) was cured. What are you doing, the serial killer? Suddenly stabbed Criss Cross (Civilian). "They were scattered all around the town!", - the townsfolk will say when the Bomb explodes. At gunpoint: . The only Doctor who thinks that you are ok works in the military commissariat. And it seems that ours came from there too – cured Kica (Sheriff), although he wasn't shot in. The Bomb put its charges on: . Ivan (Mafia) +2. Kica (Sheriff) 0. Grave Digger (Doctor) +3. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Mafia) 0. Kica (Sheriff) 0.
День 5
He will be buried together with other honest townsfolk! Rest in peace, Kica (Sheriff). Kica (Sheriff) +2. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Ivan (Mafia) +5. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Mafia) +5. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 6
The Mafia punishment caught Grave Digger (Doctor) this night. Dexter from the TV-show doesn't beat our Maniac! Grave Digger (Doctor) can prove it!. The Bomb decided to make the fireworks from . "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - Curly Sue (Maniac). Ivan (Mafia) +2. Grave Digger (Doctor) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Ivan (Mafia) 0.
День 6
Blueberry Muffin (Don) +5. Bully (Mafia) +5. Ivan (Mafia) +5. ALPHA (Mafia) +5. Curly Sue (Maniac) 0. Ivan (Mafia) 0. Blueberry Muffin (Don) +5. Bully (Mafia) +5. Ivan (Mafia) +5. ALPHA (Mafia) +5.