The game was tense! There were losses from both sides but the bright power has won this time! We pine over the mafiosi and admire the townsfolk! Read the details of the Day and Night in our daily reports
Клан Мафии
Glam (Don)
Sweety (Mafia)
Dancing Madman (Mafia)
Мирный город
Matilda (Civilian)
the good witch (Gag)
Oracle (Maniac)
Stirlitz (Sheriff)
Alice (Civilian)
Hallcat (Switchman)
День 1
Matilda (Civilian), Alice (Civilian) plays with Lady Luck! Alice (Civilian) leaves the table. One sheep has seven shepherds! Alice (Civilian) was herd to death – the majority of voices are against him. Matilda (Civilian) +2. Oracle (Maniac) +2. Glam (Don) +2. Stirlitz (Sheriff) 0. Alice (Civilian) 0. Sweety (Mafia) +2. Dancing Madman (Mafia) +2. Hallcat (Switchman) 0. the good witch (Gag) 0. the good witch (Gag) 0. Sweety (Mafia) +2. Dancing Madman (Mafia) +2. Matilda (Civilian) 0. SCARLET (Mafia) 0. the good witch (Gag) 0. Oracle (Maniac) 0. Stirlitz (Sheriff) 0. Glam (Don) 0. Sweety (Mafia) 0. Hallcat (Switchman) 0. Dancing Madman (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 2
The Mafia tried wooden mackintosh to the body of Stirlitz (Sheriff). The Sheriff's try-out worked well – he guessed right Glam (Don). The Maniac has thrown the parts of Sweety (Mafia) in the black bags all over the town. Communication with the town is prohibited for Oracle (Maniac). The Bomb has planned a firework from . Two inexperienced civilians demounting a bomb. – And if it explodes? – No problem. I have one more! dance on a volcano. SCARLET (Mafia) +2. Dancing Madman (Mafia) +2. Sweety (Mafia) +2. Glam (Don) +2. Stirlitz (Sheriff) +3. Oracle (Maniac) +3. the good witch (Gag) 0. Matilda (Civilian) 0. SCARLET (Mafia) 0. the good witch (Gag) 0. Oracle (Maniac) 0. Glam (Don) 0. Hallcat (Switchman) 0. Dancing Madman (Mafia) 0.
День 2
Thief is at every yard! One more gangster was caught "Glam (Don)". the good witch (Gag) +2. Hallcat (Switchman) +2. Dancing Madman (Mafia) 0. Glam (Don) 0. SCARLET (Mafia) 0. Matilda (Civilian) +2. Matilda (Civilian) +2. SCARLET (Mafia) 0. the good witch (Gag) +2. Hallcat (Switchman) +2. Dancing Madman (Mafia) 0. Matilda (Civilian) 0. SCARLET (Mafia) 0. the good witch (Gag) 0. Oracle (Maniac) 0. Hallcat (Switchman) 0. Dancing Madman (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 3
The Mafia meeting decided to kill the good witch (Gag). The Maniac is obsessed with Mafia and this Night he satisfied his passion with the help Dancing Madman (Mafia). If Dancing Madman (Mafia) utter a word at the next voting he (she) will die. , you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. Henceforth are not to be trifled with the Bomb. SCARLET (Mafia) +2. Dancing Madman (Mafia) +2. Oracle (Maniac) +3. the good witch (Gag) +3. Matilda (Civilian) 0. SCARLET (Mafia) 0. Oracle (Maniac) 0. Hallcat (Switchman) 0.
День 3
Two’s company, three’s none.. Tie between: Matilda (Civilian), Hallcat (Switchman). Hallcat (Switchman) was digged in under the oak by the side of the road. The Mafia will get money and rating for his death! Hallcat (Switchman) turned out to be profitable. Hallcat (Switchman) 0. Matilda (Civilian) 0. Oracle (Maniac) 0. SCARLET (Mafia) +2. Matilda (Civilian) 0. SCARLET (Mafia) +2. Matilda (Civilian) 0. SCARLET (Mafia) 0. Oracle (Maniac) 0.
Ночь 4
The whole burst from Thompson was shot into Oracle (Maniac). He runs with the wolves and they didn't let him down – the Maniac hit SCARLET (Mafia). In the Bomb's view belong to the gangster clan. SCARLET (Mafia) +2. Oracle (Maniac) +3. Matilda (Civilian) 0.
День 4
Matilda (Civilian) +8. the good witch (Gag) +5. Oracle (Maniac) +5. Stirlitz (Sheriff) +5. Alice (Civilian) +5. Hallcat (Switchman) +5. Matilda (Civilian) 0. Matilda (Civilian) +8. the good witch (Gag) +5. Oracle (Maniac) +5. Stirlitz (Sheriff) +5. Alice (Civilian) +5. Hallcat (Switchman) +5.