кохана (Gag) interfered with the Mafia and it tried to kill him (her)!.
Our police commissioner studied badly at the Police Academy since he missed!!! Маленький гвинтик (Civilian) was inspected.
кохана (Gag) received the immunity from Lola for the next daytime voting.
Who is cooler: the Mafia VS the Maniac? This Night fight was lost by Божа кульбабка (Mafia).
Маленький гвинтик (Civilian) holds tongue and keeps silent.
In the Bomb's view belong to the gangster clan. We should place a ban to operate on Doctor – he cured Фартова (Doctor).
Henceforth are not to be trifled with the Bomb. "Sick wake up - it's time to take sleeping pills!", - that is how we work.. The Doctor healed in vain - Фартова (Doctor).
Божа кульбабка (Mafia) +2. П´яна вишня (Don) +2. Supernova (Mafia) +2. Пророк (Sheriff) 0. Фартова (Doctor) 0. Ред дог (Maniac) +3. кохана (Gag) 0. Маленький гвинтик (Civilian) 0. Supernova (Mafia) 0. Panterka (Lola) 0. Пророк (Sheriff) 0. Фартова (Doctor) 0. Дедпул (Switchman) 0. Ред дог (Maniac) 0. Лисиця Аліса (Civilian) 0. П´яна вишня (Don) 0.