The Mafia meeting decided to kill Дедпул (Doctor).
The Sheriff has a real lead! Пророк (Mafia) – a reliable black player..
Lola thinks that Дедпул (Doctor) is the innocent.
Gag in mouth to Фартова (Switchman).
, you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. The Doctor missed into Маленький гвинтик (Gag).
The burst wave will carry away: . It seems that X-ray is broken if the Doctor can't heal anyone. A free examination was received by Маленький гвинтик (Gag).
Божа кульбабка (Don) +2. Пророк (Mafia) +2. Supernova (Sheriff) +3. Дедпул (Doctor) 0. Маленький гвинтик (Gag) 0. Маленький гвинтик (Gag) 0. Supernova (Sheriff) 0. Panterka (Civilian) 0. Пророк (Mafia) 0. Букмекер (Lola) 0. Фартова (Switchman) 0. Божа кульбабка (Don) 0. Лисиця Аліса (Civilian) 0.