"He knows too much", - the Mafia thought and shot into Альфа (Maniac).
And we have a guessed one from the black team - Божа кульбабка (Mafia).
The moderator won't name him (her), but Lola visited Дочка мільярдера (Don).
The Maniac went wild – he killed the innocent sexy shooter (Switchman).
The Switchman considered that Кохана (Mafia) is bad in this game.
Zip your lip, Кучерява Сью (Lola).
Took the highly explosive path: . Doc treats the townsfolk without any visible wounds, while other people are dying around. This time the pills were taken by Кучерява Сью (Lola) for no reason.
The burst wave will carry away: . We have an inattentive doctor – he was saving Кучерява Сью (Lola) from death, but the body with another nickname was found!.
Кохана (Mafia) +2. Дочка мільярдера (Don) +2. Люк Скайуокер (Mafia) +2. Божа кульбабка (Mafia) +2. Секс інструктор (Sheriff) +3. Блекджек (Doctor) 0. Альфа (Maniac) 0. sexy shooter (Switchman) +4. Анрі де Борзе (Gag) 0. Анрі де Борзе (Gag) 0. Божа кульбабка (Mafia) 0. Люк Скайуокер (Mafia) 0. Божевільний Макс (Civilian) 0. Supernova (Civilian) 0. Кучерява Сью (Lola) 0. sexy shooter (Switchman) 0. Мадам (Werewolf) 0. Лоліта (Civilian) 0. Секс інструктор (Sheriff) 0. Дочка мільярдера (Don) 0. Блекджек (Doctor) 0.