Ivan (Gag) was shot in the night fire-fight.
Right in the wheelhouse – the Sheriff guessed right miss fortune (Mafia).
The moderator won't name him (her), but Lola visited Ivan (Gag).
The Maniac, be careful! The town has a loss – Йди броди (Switchman).
The Switchman considered that Lolita (Mafia) is bad in this game.
Next round суддя (Maniac) will communicate by signs!.
, you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. We should place a ban to operate on Doctor – he cured суддя (Maniac).
Mines are fixed under the chairs of . Doc treats the townsfolk without any visible wounds, while other people are dying around. This time the pills were taken by суддя (Maniac) for no reason.
markiv.andrew (Mafia) +2. Blackjack (Mafia) +2. Pocket Rocket (Don) +2. Lolita (Mafia) +2. miss fortune (Mafia) +2. Jon Snow (Mafia) +2. Cheeky (Sheriff) +3. Danerys Targaryen (Doctor) 0. суддя (Maniac) 0. Йди броди (Switchman) +4. Ivan (Gag) 0. Blackjack (Mafia) 0. Сексуальный стрелок (Civilian) 0. markiv.andrew (Mafia) 0. Danerys Targaryen (Doctor) 0. Cheeky (Sheriff) 0. Monica Belucci (Lola) 0. miss fortune (Mafia) 0. суддя (Maniac) 0. Jon Snow (Mafia) 0. Йди броди (Switchman) 0. Pocket Rocket (Don) 0. body bag (Civilian) 0. Supernova (Civilian) 0. Good witch (Civilian) 0.