The Mafia paid for the innocents! The townsfolk carried out retribution against the whole black clan! The red have won! Insight in the past for 29 minutes backwards, read below
The Switchman shot back in добрая ведьма (Mafia). дияволиця (Civilian) won't die at the daytime voting. Our serial killer took apart the wrong body!!! Майк Тайсон (Switchman) was collected in the bags!. The Switchman switched at Джаконда (Doctor) calmly and cold-bloodedly. "You are so beautiful when you are silent!", - the Plug thought about Матильда (Mafia). Took the highly explosive path: . Did the patient die? Or should I work? The Doctor plays irresponsive and vainly cures дияволиця (Civilian). In the Bomb's view belong to the gangster clan. Doc, your rating got plus zero for preventive treatment of дияволиця (Civilian). Президент (Don) -1. Daenerys (Mafia) -1. Матильда (Mafia) -1. добрая ведьма (Mafia) -1. Майк Тайсон (Switchman) +4. Джаконда (Doctor) 0. Ваня Ракусь (Maniac) 0. Майк Тайсон (Switchman) 0. Drunk Squirrel (Gag) +3. Drunk Squirrel (Gag) 0. дияволиця (Civilian) 0. Daenerys (Mafia) 0. Joker (Civilian) 0. Майк Тайсон (Switchman) 0. Матильда (Mafia) 0. черничный кекс (Civilian) 0. Президент (Don) 0. panamera (Lola) 0. Ваня Ракусь (Maniac) 0.
День 2
"Lies in the grave because of the lies!", - that's what we will write on the gravestone. Killed Матильда (Mafia). дияволиця получил фол. дияволиця получил фол. Майк Тайсон (Switchman) 0. panamera (Lola) 0. Daenerys (Mafia) +2. Joker (Civilian) +2. Drunk Squirrel (Gag) +2. дияволиця (Civilian) +2. Ваня Ракусь (Maniac) 0. Президент (Don) 0. черничный кекс (Civilian) +2. Drunk Squirrel (Gag) +2. дияволиця (Civilian) +2. Joker (Civilian) +2. черничный кекс (Civilian) +2. Президент (Don) 0. Drunk Squirrel (Gag) 0. дияволиця (Civilian) 0. Daenerys (Mafia) 0. Joker (Civilian) 0. Майк Тайсон (Switchman) 0. черничный кекс (Civilian) 0. Президент (Don) 0. panamera (Lola) 0. Ваня Ракусь (Maniac) 0.
Ночь 3
The gangsters decided that дияволиця (Civilian) will interfere with them and laid him (her) out!. At Night Lola relieved distress to the player дияволиця (Civilian) – now he (she) can feel safe at the daytime voting. Well done, the Maniac! Президент (Don) was shot!. A spoken word takes its flight! Президент (Don), your words won't be able to fly because of the Plug. I won't go to paradise alone – I need friends! will keep company to the Bomb. Quick like a bunny! The Bomb stuck to this rule when was mining: . Президент (Don) +2. Daenerys (Mafia) +2. Ваня Ракусь (Maniac) +3. Drunk Squirrel (Gag) +3. Drunk Squirrel (Gag) 0. Daenerys (Mafia) 0. Joker (Civilian) 0. Майк Тайсон (Switchman) 0. черничный кекс (Civilian) 0. panamera (Lola) 0. Ваня Ракусь (Maniac) 0.