Today "War" God looked away from the Mafia. The chronicles of extirpation of the black players' clan read below
Клан Мафии
Daenerys (Don)
Джаконда (Mafia)
Майк Тайсон (Mafia)
черничный кекс (Mafia)
Гонщик (Mafia)
Мирный город
Drunk Squirrel (Maniac)
дияволиця (Civilian)
Joker (Gag)
Матильда (Civilian)
добрая ведьма (Doctor)
Ковбой Аптекарь (Lola)
Президент (Civilian)
panamera (Switchman)
super woman (Civilian)
День 1
The townsfolk have no shared vision in the duel between Джаконда (Mafia), Президент (Civilian) Джаконда (Mafia) stopped a bullet. The townsfolk are not going to give up – minus one gangster Джаконда (Mafia). Drunk Squirrel (Maniac) +2. Joker (Gag) +2. Daenerys (Don) +2. panamera (Switchman) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Sheriff) 0. Матильда (Civilian) 0. Майк Тайсон (Mafia) +2. черничный кекс (Mafia) +2. Ковбой Аптекарь (Lola) 0. Президент (Civilian) 0. Гонщик (Mafia) +2. Джаконда (Mafia) +2. super woman (Civilian) +2. добрая ведьма (Doctor) +2. дияволиця (Civilian) +2. Drunk Squirrel (Maniac) +2. дияволиця (Civilian) +2. Joker (Gag) +2. добрая ведьма (Doctor) +2. Drunk Squirrel (Maniac) 0. дияволиця (Civilian) 0. Daenerys (Don) 0. Joker (Gag) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Sheriff) 0. Майк Тайсон (Mafia) 0. Матильда (Civilian) 0. добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. черничный кекс (Mafia) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Lola) 0. Президент (Civilian) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. super woman (Civilian) 0. Гонщик (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 2
"He knows too much", - the Mafia thought and shot into Joker (Gag). And we have a guessed one from the black team - Майк Тайсон (Mafia). Президент (Civilian) won't die at the daytime voting. Who is cooler: the Mafia VS the Maniac? This Night fight was lost by Майк Тайсон (Mafia). The Plug thinks that Daenerys (Don) is telling lies. The Bomb is not a toy for children! Naughty children are assigned: . Did the patient die? Or should I work? The Doctor plays irresponsive and vainly cures ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Sheriff). The Bomb put its charges on: . The Doctor missed into ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Sheriff). Майк Тайсон (Mafia) +2. Daenerys (Don) +2. черничный кекс (Mafia) +2. Гонщик (Mafia) +2. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Sheriff) +3. добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. Drunk Squirrel (Maniac) +3. Joker (Gag) +3. Drunk Squirrel (Maniac) 0. дияволиця (Civilian) 0. Daenerys (Don) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Sheriff) 0. Матильда (Civilian) 0. добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. черничный кекс (Mafia) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Lola) 0. Президент (Civilian) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. super woman (Civilian) 0. Гонщик (Mafia) 0.
The Mafia punishment caught Drunk Squirrel (Maniac) this night. The Sheriff went astray and met panamera (Switchman) in a deadlock. It seems that Президент (Civilian) was the most eager and Lola visited him (her). The Maniac doesn't take care of the townsfolk – minus добрая ведьма (Doctor). The burst wave will carry away: . Doc treats the townsfolk without any visible wounds, while other people are dying around. This time the pills were taken by добрая ведьма (Doctor) for no reason. Two inexperienced civilians demounting a bomb. – And if it explodes? – No problem. I have one more! dance on a volcano. The only Doctor who thinks that you are ok works in the military commissariat. And it seems that ours came from there too – cured добрая ведьма (Doctor), although he wasn't shot in. Гонщик (Mafia) +2. Daenerys (Don) +2. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Sheriff) 0. добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. Drunk Squirrel (Maniac) 0. дияволиця (Civilian) 0. Daenerys (Don) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Sheriff) 0. Матильда (Civilian) 0. добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Lola) 0. Президент (Civilian) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. super woman (Civilian) 0. Гонщик (Mafia) 0.
День 3
Our Daenerys (Don) "got" likes most of all! See you next time!. дияволиця (Civilian) +2. добрая ведьма (Doctor) +2. super woman (Civilian) 0. Гонщик (Mafia) 0. Президент (Civilian) +2. Ковбой Аптекарь (Lola) +2. Матильда (Civilian) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Sheriff) +2. panamera (Switchman) 0. Daenerys (Don) +2. дияволиця (Civilian) +2. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Sheriff) +2. добрая ведьма (Doctor) +2. Ковбой Аптекарь (Lola) +2. Президент (Civilian) +2. Гонщик (Mafia) 0. дияволиця (Civilian) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Sheriff) 0. Матильда (Civilian) 0. добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Lola) 0. Президент (Civilian) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. super woman (Civilian) 0. Гонщик (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 4
The night meeting of the Mafia has concluded that the town should be left by Матильда (Civilian). The Sheriff interrogated the wrong person – добрая ведьма (Doctor). Alibi to the daytime trail was received by ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Sheriff). "They were scattered all around the town!", - the townsfolk will say when the Bomb explodes. At gunpoint: . We have an inattentive doctor – he was saving добрая ведьма (Doctor) from death, but the body with another nickname was found!. , you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - добрая ведьма (Doctor). Гонщик (Mafia) +2. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Sheriff) 0. добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. дияволиця (Civilian) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Sheriff) 0. добрая ведьма (Doctor) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Lola) 0. Президент (Civilian) 0. panamera (Switchman) 0. super woman (Civilian) 0. Гонщик (Mafia) 0.