дияволиця (Civilian) interfered with the Mafia and it tried to kill him (her)!.
It was an unsuccessful operation for the police commissioner – inspection of the innocent Joker (Werewolf).
If the townsfolk decide to kill Drunk Squirrel (Civilian), that's not going to happen – Lola came at Night.
An innocent blood drops off the Maniac's blade – Joker (Werewolf) didn't survive.
Zip your lip, Joker (Werewolf).
The epicenter of the explosion will be: . Doc treats the townsfolk without any visible wounds, while other people are dying around. This time the pills were taken by ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Switchman) for no reason.
The list of the mined players: . The Doctor didn't cure anyone and there are dead bodies at the table. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Switchman) received the pills.
panamera (Don) +2. черничный кекс (Mafia) +2. Ковбой Аптекарь (Mafia) +2. добрая ведьма (Mafia) +2. Джаконда (Sheriff) 0. Майк Тайсон (Doctor) 0. super woman (Maniac) 0. Daenerys (Gag) 0. Drunk Squirrel (Civilian) 0. Daenerys (Gag) 0. ПАБЛО ПИКАССО (Switchman) 0. Джаконда (Sheriff) 0. Майк Тайсон (Doctor) 0. Матильда (Civilian) 0. добрая ведьма (Mafia) 0. черничный кекс (Mafia) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Mafia) 0. Президент (Lola) 0. panamera (Don) 0. super woman (Maniac) 0.