The gangsters decided that Штірліц (Sheriff) will interfere with them and laid him (her) out!.
Our police commissioner didn't give credence to the townsfolk and missed into Novachok (Switchman).
Штірліц (Sheriff), you owe a sweetener to the Doctor – he saved you this night.
Hellcat (Civilian) received the immunity from Lola for the next daytime voting.
Minus one from the Mafia team – the Maniac killed Безумный Макс (Mafia).
Sappers' children eat farina porridge without touching lumps: Шарліз Терон (Doctor), Безумный Макс (Mafia), Віагра (Maniac), Маленький генерал (Don). The list of the mined players: . It seems that our doctor has been working several night shifts in a row and he doesn't see whom to treat – Штірліц (Sheriff) was mended.
The Bomb has planned a firework from . The Doctor didn't cure anyone and there are dead bodies at the table. Штірліц (Sheriff) received the pills.
Безумный Макс (Mafia) +2. Маленький генерал (Don) +2. Пʼяна вишенька (Mafia) +2. Штірліц (Sheriff) 0. Шарліз Терон (Doctor) +3. Віагра (Maniac) +3. Шарліз Терон (Doctor) 0. Віагра (Maniac) 0. Пʼяна вишенька (Mafia) 0. Novachok (Switchman) 0. Hellcat (Civilian) 0. Маленький генерал (Don) 0. Штірліц (Sheriff) 0. Пророк (Lola) 0. Маленька кобра (Bomb) 0.