Probably, the noodles were tasty if the townsfolk ate them and died with smiles on their faces in 45 minutes. A detailed recipe of cooking townsfolk is in our "cooking show"
Клан Мафии
Оракул (Don)
Miss Fortune (Mafia)
Not Zaya (Mafia)
Joker (Mafia)
Мирный город
Balu (Civilian)
Drunk Squirrel (Civilian)
Aлиса (Civilian)
дияволиця (Maniac)
Inferno (Sheriff)
Букмекер (Gag)
черничный кекс (Lola)
super woman (Doctor)
Сказочник (Switchman)
Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian)
День 1
The townsfolk votes divided between Aлиса (Civilian), Букмекер (Gag). Luck was on the side of Букмекер (Gag). What was fraudulently bought – won't earn any profit! This saying was denied by the Mafia and Букмекер (Gag) was put to vote. Joker (Mafia) +2. Not Zaya (Mafia) +2. Inferno (Sheriff) 0. Сказочник (Switchman) +2. super woman (Doctor) 0. Balu (Civilian) +2. Aлиса (Civilian) +2. черничный кекс (Lola) 0. Букмекер (Gag) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) 0. дияволиця (Maniac) 0. Drunk Squirrel (Civilian) 0. Drunk Squirrel (Civilian) 0. дияволиця (Maniac) 0. super woman (Doctor) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) 0. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. Balu (Civilian) 0. Drunk Squirrel (Civilian) 0. Aлиса (Civilian) 0. дияволиця (Maniac) 0. Not Zaya (Mafia) 0. Joker (Mafia) 0. Inferno (Sheriff) 0. черничный кекс (Lola) 0. super woman (Doctor) 0. Сказочник (Switchman) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) 0. Оракул (Don) 0.
Ночь 2
The Mafia shot hit Drunk Squirrel (Civilian). The innocents had an advantage - the Sheriff guessed right Joker (Mafia)!. It is simply terrible! Should a woman be mistaken for just 15-20 times, and she is considered fallen! Lola was mistaken again and came across the gangster Joker (Mafia). The Maniac who likes a surprise effect, attacked from behind, from above, diagonally. And at dawn. And Balu (Civilian) was attacked. , you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. The Doctor, go back to junior surgeon if you can't cure anyone. Aлиса (Civilian) received an unsuccessful treatment. The epicenter of the explosion will be: . Joker (Mafia) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +2. Not Zaya (Mafia) +2. Оракул (Don) +2. Inferno (Sheriff) +3. super woman (Doctor) 0. дияволиця (Maniac) 0. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. Aлиса (Civilian) 0. дияволиця (Maniac) 0. Not Zaya (Mafia) 0. Joker (Mafia) 0. Inferno (Sheriff) 0. черничный кекс (Lola) 0. super woman (Doctor) 0. Сказочник (Switchman) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) 0. Оракул (Don) 0.
День 2
The Little Finger is fighting with the Ring Finger, the Pointer Finger is butting with the Thumb, and the Middle Finger pokes up to everyone... There is no gathered fist – and the Mafia took advantage of it! Aлиса (Civilian) has died. Aлиса (Civilian) +2. Оракул (Don) 0. super woman (Doctor) +2. Сказочник (Switchman) 0. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +2. Inferno (Sheriff) 0. Not Zaya (Mafia) +2. Joker (Mafia) +2. дияволиця (Maniac) +2. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) 0. черничный кекс (Lola) 0. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +2. Not Zaya (Mafia) +2. Joker (Mafia) +2. Inferno (Sheriff) 0. черничный кекс (Lola) 0. Сказочник (Switchman) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) 0. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. дияволиця (Maniac) 0. Not Zaya (Mafia) 0. Joker (Mafia) 0. Inferno (Sheriff) 0. черничный кекс (Lola) 0. super woman (Doctor) 0. Сказочник (Switchman) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) 0. Оракул (Don) 0.
Ночь 3
The Mafia run like a well-oiled machine! super woman (Doctor) was banged off. Corrado Cattani is no match for our Sheriff, he guessed right Оракул (Don). Not Zaya (Mafia) received the immunity from Lola for the next daytime voting. Well done, the Maniac! Оракул (Don) was shot!. – now their lives depend on the Bomb. The Doctor didn't cure anyone and there are dead bodies at the table. дияволиця (Maniac) received the pills. Two inexperienced civilians demounting a bomb. – And if it explodes? – No problem. I have one more! dance on a volcano. Joker (Mafia) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +2. Not Zaya (Mafia) +2. Оракул (Don) +2. Inferno (Sheriff) +3. super woman (Doctor) 0. дияволиця (Maniac) +3. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. дияволиця (Maniac) 0. Not Zaya (Mafia) 0. Joker (Mafia) 0. Inferno (Sheriff) 0. черничный кекс (Lola) 0. Сказочник (Switchman) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) 0.
День 3
Rare days when no one was scragged in the town – Not Zaya (Mafia) was visited by Lola and he (she) doesn't die. дияволиця получил фол. дияволиця получил фол. дияволиця (Maniac) +2. Joker (Mafia) +2. Not Zaya (Mafia) +2. Inferno (Sheriff) 0. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. Сказочник (Switchman) +2. черничный кекс (Lola) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) +2. черничный кекс (Lola) 0. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. дияволиця (Maniac) 0. Not Zaya (Mafia) 0. Joker (Mafia) 0. Inferno (Sheriff) 0. черничный кекс (Lola) 0. Сказочник (Switchman) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 4
Mafia chaos laid Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) in the grave. Urgent!! To the frontpage of our newspaper! The Sheriff guessed right Joker (Mafia) !. It can be only in a fairy tale: thousand and one nights, it is much more expensive in real life! Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian), you owe Lola several thousand!. He runs with the wolves and they didn't let him down – the Maniac hit Not Zaya (Mafia). Sappers will be needed for the next players: . If the Bomb is killed, she will take with her. Joker (Mafia) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +2. Not Zaya (Mafia) +2. Inferno (Sheriff) +3. дияволиця (Maniac) +3. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. дияволиця (Maniac) 0. Joker (Mafia) 0. Inferno (Sheriff) 0. черничный кекс (Lola) 0. Сказочник (Switchman) 0.
День 4
The townsfolk prepared three gallows for their citizens: дияволиця (Maniac), Joker (Mafia), Inferno (Sheriff).. Inferno (Sheriff) was hoisted at dawn. The train of death has stopped in our town and there is only one passenger in it - Inferno (Sheriff). черничный кекс (Lola) +2. дияволиця (Maniac) 0. Joker (Mafia) +4. Inferno (Sheriff) 0. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +5. Сказочник (Switchman) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +5. дияволиця (Maniac) 0. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. дияволиця (Maniac) 0. Joker (Mafia) 0. черничный кекс (Lola) 0. Сказочник (Switchman) 0.
Ночь 5
The Mafia tried wooden mackintosh to the body of черничный кекс (Lola). Although he (she) doesn't know it himself (herself) but Miss Fortune (Mafia) may not worry – Lola came at Night. Dexter from the TV-show doesn't beat our Maniac! Сказочник (Switchman) can prove it!. The boomerang from the Switchman flies into Joker (Mafia). In the Bomb's view belong to the gangster clan. The Bomb decided to make the fireworks from . Joker (Mafia) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +2. дияволиця (Maniac) 0. Сказочник (Switchman) +4. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. дияволиця (Maniac) 0. Сказочник (Switchman) 0.
День 5
Another honest citizen of our town got on the list of condemned men, it is дияволиця (Maniac). дияволиця (Maniac) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +4. Сказочник (Switchman) 0. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +4. Сказочник (Switchman) 0. Оракул (Don) +5. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +5. Not Zaya (Mafia) +5. Joker (Mafia) +5. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. Сказочник (Switchman) 0. Оракул (Don) +5. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +5. Not Zaya (Mafia) +5. Joker (Mafia) +5.