The act of the week!!! They decided not to leave any witnesses!!! The Black team killed all the bystanders with zero loss on their side! Game time – 30 minutes. My compliments!
Клан Мафии
Inferno (Don)
Miss Fortune (Mafia)
Drunk Squirrel (Mafia)
дияволиця (Mafia)
Мирный город
Joker (Doctor)
Букмекер (Sheriff)
черничный кекс (Switchman)
super woman (Maniac)
Сказочник (Gag)
Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian)
Оракул (Civilian)
День 1
The train of death has stopped in our town and there is only one passenger in it - Букмекер (Sheriff). Drunk Squirrel получил фол. Ковбой Аптекарь получил фол. super woman (Maniac) 0. Сказочник (Gag) 0. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +5. Inferno (Don) +2. Joker (Doctor) +2. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) +2. дияволиця (Mafia) +5. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) 0. Букмекер (Sheriff) +2. черничный кекс (Switchman) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +5. дияволиця (Mafia) +5. super woman (Maniac) 0. Сказочник (Gag) 0. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) 0. дияволиця (Mafia) 0. Joker (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Don) 0. черничный кекс (Switchman) 0. super woman (Maniac) 0. Сказочник (Gag) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) 0. Оракул (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 2
They will deny that they were shooting into the townsfolk super woman (Maniac). The eyes will give them away. The Mafia is afraid of him!!! And for good reason! The Maniac dealt with дияволиця (Mafia). The next Day Оракул (Civilian) will keep silent. "They were scattered all around the town!", - the townsfolk will say when the Bomb explodes. At gunpoint: . The Doctor, go back to junior surgeon if you can't cure anyone. дияволиця (Mafia) received an unsuccessful treatment. The Bomb decided to make the fireworks from . "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - дияволиця (Mafia). Miss Fortune получил фол. черничный кекс получил фол. дияволиця (Mafia) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +2. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) +2. Inferno (Don) +2. Joker (Doctor) 0. super woman (Maniac) +3. Сказочник (Gag) 0. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) 0. дияволиця (Mafia) 0. Joker (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Don) 0. черничный кекс (Switchman) 0. Сказочник (Gag) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) 0. Оракул (Civilian) 0.
День 2
Once people were walking through the forest and saw an elephant who fell into a hole. They failed to take the elephant out but they fill the hole up so that other elephants won't fall into it. The trunk was twirled to the player черничный кекс (Switchman). Оракул получил фол. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +2. Сказочник (Gag) +2. черничный кекс (Switchman) +2. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) +2. дияволиця (Mafia) +2. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) +2. Inferno (Don) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +2. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) +2. дияволиця (Mafia) +2. Inferno (Don) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) 0. дияволиця (Mafia) 0. Joker (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Don) 0. Сказочник (Gag) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) 0. Оракул (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 3
Joker (Doctor) interfered with the Mafia and it tried to kill him (her)!. Modern medicine performs magic – Joker (Doctor) stays with us. "Words are wind and your words, дияволиця (Mafia), - draught!", - thought the Plug. , you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. Sappers' children eat farina porridge without touching lumps: . It seems that our doctor has been working several night shifts in a row and he doesn't see whom to treat – Joker (Doctor) was mended. дияволиця (Mafia) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +2. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) +2. Inferno (Don) +2. Joker (Doctor) +3. Сказочник (Gag) +3. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) 0. дияволиця (Mafia) 0. Joker (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Don) 0. Сказочник (Gag) 0. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) 0. Оракул (Civilian) 0.
День 3
The townsfolk choose the lesser of two evils: Inferno (Don), Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) in the shooting. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) was considered the bigger evil. Everyone hogs the blanket – as the result the town is left by its faithful citizen Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian)!. дияволиця получил фол. дияволиця получил фол. Оракул (Civilian) +2. Ковбой Аптекарь (Civilian) +2. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) +2. Joker (Doctor) +2. Inferno (Don) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +2. Сказочник (Gag) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +2. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) +2. Inferno (Don) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) 0. дияволиця (Mafia) 0. Joker (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Don) 0. Сказочник (Gag) 0. Оракул (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 4
The eyes that killed you still pretend to be peaceful! Rest in peace, Оракул (Civilian)!. The surgery was successful – the patient Оракул (Civilian) will live! He (she) was saved by the Doctor. The Plug took away words and voice from Drunk Squirrel (Mafia). Sappers will be needed for the next players: . Henceforth are not to be trifled with the Bomb. Doc, your rating got plus zero for preventive treatment of Оракул (Civilian). дияволиця (Mafia) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +2. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) +2. Inferno (Don) +2. Joker (Doctor) +3. Сказочник (Gag) +3. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) 0. дияволиця (Mafia) 0. Joker (Doctor) 0. Inferno (Don) 0. Сказочник (Gag) 0. Оракул (Civilian) 0.
День 4
Two dogs over one bone seldom agree - Joker (Doctor), Inferno (Don) at the fire-fight. Hence, Joker (Doctor) sleeps in the ground!. What was fraudulently bought – won't earn any profit! This saying was denied by the Mafia and Joker (Doctor) was put to vote. дияволиця (Mafia) +4. Оракул (Civilian) +2. Сказочник (Gag) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +4. Inferno (Don) +4. Joker (Doctor) +2. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +4. дияволиця (Mafia) +4. Inferno (Don) +4. Inferno (Don) +5. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +5. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) +5. дияволиця (Mafia) +5. Inferno (Don) +4. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +4. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) +4. дияволиця (Mafia) +4. Сказочник (Gag) +8. Оракул (Civilian) +8. Inferno (Don) +10. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +10. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) +10. дияволиця (Mafia) +10. Miss Fortune (Mafia) 0. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) 0. дияволиця (Mafia) 0. Inferno (Don) 0. Сказочник (Gag) 0. Оракул (Civilian) 0. Inferno (Don) +5. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +5. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) +5. дияволиця (Mafia) +5. Inferno (Don) +4. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +4. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) +4. дияволиця (Mafia) +4. Сказочник (Gag) +8. Оракул (Civilian) +8. Inferno (Don) +10. Miss Fortune (Mafia) +10. Drunk Squirrel (Mafia) +10. дияволиця (Mafia) +10.