Hellcat (Maniac) interfered with the Mafia and it tried to kill him (her)!.
Either the Sheriff is lazy or he didn’t listen by Day – an inspection of серсея (Switchman).
Although you cannot buy love, the prices are seductive… Today Віагра (Don) gave in to Lola's temptation.
The Maniac, be careful! The town has a loss – сексі шутер (Civilian).
If Альфа (Lola) utter a word at the next voting he (she) will die.
The Bomb decided that it will go away together with: . For someone - the doctor, for someone - the executioner! Our Doctor didn't guess and healed Віагра (Don).
The burst wave will carry away: . The Doctor, go back to junior surgeon if you can't cure anyone. Віагра (Don) received an unsuccessful treatment.
Маленький гвинтик (Mafia) +2. суддя дред (Mafia) +2. Віагра (Don) +2. Пророк (Sheriff) 0. Шейх (Doctor) 0. Hellcat (Maniac) 0. Пʼяна вишенька (Gag) 0. Маленький гвинтик (Mafia) 0. Garfield (Civilian) 0. Віагра (Don) 0. Мадам (Civilian) 0. Шейх (Doctor) 0. Пʼяна вишенька (Gag) 0. Альфа (Lola) 0. Пророк (Sheriff) 0. серсея (Switchman) 0. дедпул (Civilian) 0. суддя дред (Mafia) 0.