новачок (Sheriff) was shot in the night fire-fight.

It seems that the Sheriff forgot his home experience and didn't guess but checked Божевільний Макс (Lola).

It seems that Віагра (Werewolf) was the most eager and Lola visited him (her).

Dexter from the TV-show doesn't beat our Maniac! Рожева пантера (Bomb) can prove it!.

It's better to be silent than to grumble! The Plug visited Маленький гвинтик (Mafia).

The Bomb decided that it will go away together with: Віагра (Werewolf), Маленький Генерал (Civilian), кохана (Gag), вона диявол (Civilian). Mines are fixed under the chairs of Віагра (Werewolf), Маленький Генерал (Civilian), кохана (Gag), вона диявол (Civilian). The Doctor missed into Мадам (Doctor).

Took the highly explosive path: . Doc, your rating got plus zero for preventive treatment of Мадам (Doctor).

серсея (Mafia) +2. Пʼяна вишенька (Don) +2. нахабний (Mafia) +2. Альфа (Mafia) +2. Маленький гвинтик (Mafia) +2. новачок (Sheriff) 0. Мадам (Doctor) 0. дедпул (Maniac) 0. кохана (Gag) +3. Рожева пантера (Bomb) 0. Рожева пантера (Bomb) 0. Рожева пантера (Bomb) 0. Рожева пантера (Bomb) 0. Маленький гвинтик (Mafia) 0. Sexy shooter (Switchman) 0. Мадам (Doctor) 0. Божевільний Макс (Lola) 0. нахабний (Mafia) 0. Пʼяна вишенька (Don) 0. Альфа (Mafia) 0. дедпул (Maniac) 0. серсея (Mafia) 0.