They will deny that they were shooting into the townsfolk кіса (Sheriff). The eyes will give them away.
We just have a captain Colombo, not the Sheriff! He sniffed бро (Mafia) out.
Shy by Day and slutty at Night – Lola visited Анрі де Борзе (Switchman)!.
Sappers' children eat farina porridge without touching lumps: . It seems that our doctor has been working several night shifts in a row and he doesn't see whom to treat – нахабний (Jailer) was mended.
I won't go to paradise alone – I need friends! will keep company to the Bomb. We have an inattentive doctor – he was saving нахабний (Jailer) from death, but the body with another nickname was found!.
Kohana (Mafia) +2. Суддя дредд (Mafia) +2. бро (Mafia) +2. Кучерява Сью (Mafia) +2. Мадам (Don) +2. кіса (Sheriff) +3. Рожева пантера (Doctor) 0. нахабний (Jailer) 0. Маленький гвинтик (Lola) 0. Анрі де Борзе (Switchman) 0. Рожева пантера (Doctor) 0. Суддя дредд (Mafia) 0. Мадам (Don) 0. Шейх (Civilian) 0. Kohana (Mafia) 0. нахабний (Jailer) 0. Supernova (Civilian) 0. Кучерява Сью (Mafia) 0. носоріг (Civilian) 0. кобра (Civilian) 0. бро (Mafia) 0.