The townsfolk have a lot to learn! Ignorance is darkness, and darkness is black, and black is the Mafia! The details of the gangsters' win are below
Клан Мафии
отрипаес (Don)
ддщдщд (Mafia)
непа (Mafia)
Арара (Mafia)
прининт (Mafia)
Мирный город
бшьбш (Maniac)
грнмеме (Sheriff)
крарарк (Switchman)
гоолл (Doctor)
впаркик (Civilian)
тринин (Gag)
Валерка (Werewolf)
огогошл (Lola)
лшьшьш (Civilian)
огреаквк (Civilian)
День 1
The issue in the fire-fight was solved between: Арара (Mafia), прининт (Mafia). Luck was on the side of Арара (Mafia). Everything comes back in this world – catch your bullet, Арара (Mafia)!. грнмеме получил фол. Арара (Mafia) 0. прининт (Mafia) 0. тринин (Gag) +2. Валерка (Werewolf) 0. огреаквк (Civilian) +2. огогошл (Lola) 0. лшьшьш (Civilian) 0. отрипаес (Don) +2. непа (Mafia) 0. ддщдщд (Mafia) 0. грнмеме (Sheriff) +2. гоолл (Doctor) 0. впаркик (Civilian) +2. крарарк (Switchman) +2. бшьбш (Maniac) +2. грнмеме (Sheriff) +2. ддщдщд (Mafia) 0. прининт (Mafia) 0. бшьбш (Maniac) 0. отрипаес (Don) 0. грнмеме (Sheriff) 0. крарарк (Switchman) 0. ддщдщд (Mafia) 0. непа (Mafia) 0. гоолл (Doctor) 0. впаркик (Civilian) 0. прининт (Mafia) 0. тринин (Gag) 0. Валерка (Werewolf) 0. огогошл (Lola) 0. лшьшьш (Civilian) 0. огреаквк (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 2
The eyes that killed you still pretend to be peaceful! Rest in peace, бшьбш (Maniac)!. Our Sheriff doesn't give up! He traced прининт (Mafia). The moderator won't name him (her), but Lola visited огреаквк (Civilian). What are you doing, the serial killer? Suddenly stabbed гоолл (Doctor). Communication with the town is prohibited for отрипаес (Don). Took the highly explosive path: . We should place a ban to operate on Doctor – he cured прининт (Mafia). The list of the mined players: . Doc, your rating got plus zero for preventive treatment of прининт (Mafia). отрипаес (Don) +2. ддщдщд (Mafia) +2. непа (Mafia) +2. прининт (Mafia) +2. грнмеме (Sheriff) +3. гоолл (Doctor) 0. бшьбш (Maniac) 0. тринин (Gag) +3. отрипаес (Don) 0. грнмеме (Sheriff) 0. крарарк (Switchman) 0. ддщдщд (Mafia) 0. непа (Mafia) 0. впаркик (Civilian) 0. прининт (Mafia) 0. тринин (Gag) 0. Валерка (Werewolf) 0. огогошл (Lola) 0. лшьшьш (Civilian) 0. огреаквк (Civilian) 0.
The Mafia decided that it's time to leave the table for the player огогошл (Lola)!. This night the Sheriff earned several points – he guessed right ддщдщд (Mafia). Little old ladies in the neighborhood don't like her but отрипаес (Don) should like Lola after that night. The Plug took away words and voice from огреаквк (Civilian). Two inexperienced civilians demounting a bomb. – And if it explodes? – No problem. I have one more! dance on a volcano. Sappers' children eat farina porridge without touching lumps: . отрипаес (Don) +2. ддщдщд (Mafia) +2. непа (Mafia) +2. прининт (Mafia) +2. грнмеме (Sheriff) +3. тринин (Gag) 0. отрипаес (Don) 0. грнмеме (Sheriff) 0. крарарк (Switchman) 0. ддщдщд (Mafia) 0. непа (Mafia) 0. прининт (Mafia) 0. тринин (Gag) 0. Валерка (Werewolf) 0. лшьшьш (Civilian) 0. огреаквк (Civilian) 0.
тринин (Gag) interfered with the Mafia and it tried to kill him (her)!. The Sheriff will have to write a detailed report to the command – he finished ддщдщд (Mafia) off. Zip your lip, Валерка (Werewolf). The epicenter of the explosion will be: . Sappers will be needed for the next players: . отрипаес (Don) +2. ддщдщд (Mafia) +2. непа (Mafia) +2. прининт (Mafia) +2. грнмеме (Sheriff) +6. тринин (Gag) 0. отрипаес (Don) 0. грнмеме (Sheriff) 0. крарарк (Switchman) 0. непа (Mafia) 0. прининт (Mafia) 0. Валерка (Werewolf) 0. огреаквк (Civilian) 0.
День 4
One sheep has seven shepherds! грнмеме (Sheriff) was herd to death – the majority of voices are against him. грнмеме получил фол. огреаквк (Civilian) +2. прининт (Mafia) +5. крарарк (Switchman) 0. грнмеме (Sheriff) 0. непа (Mafia) +5. отрипаес (Don) +5. отрипаес (Don) +5. крарарк (Switchman) 0. непа (Mafia) +5. прининт (Mafia) +5. отрипаес (Don) 0. крарарк (Switchman) 0. непа (Mafia) 0. прининт (Mafia) 0. Валерка (Werewolf) 0. огреаквк (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 5
непа (Mafia) caught a bullet from the Switchman. – now their lives depend on the Bomb. In the Bomb's view belong to the gangster clan. отрипаес (Don) -1. непа (Mafia) -1. прининт (Mafia) -1. крарарк (Switchman) +4. отрипаес (Don) 0. крарарк (Switchman) 0. прининт (Mafia) 0. Валерка (Werewolf) 0. огреаквк (Civilian) 0.
День 5
Seven gates and all into the garden!! крарарк (Switchman) leaves our table! The innocents, say, how is that???!?. отрипаес (Don) +2. крарарк (Switchman) +2. прининт (Mafia) +2. Валерка (Werewolf) 0. огреаквк (Civilian) +2. отрипаес (Don) +2. прининт (Mafia) +2. Валерка (Werewolf) 0. отрипаес (Don) 0. прининт (Mafia) 0. Валерка (Werewolf) 0. огреаквк (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 6
The Bomb put its charges on: . Henceforth are not to be trifled with the Bomb. отрипаес (Don) +2. прининт (Mafia) +2. отрипаес (Don) 0. прининт (Mafia) 0. Валерка (Werewolf) 0. огреаквк (Civilian) 0.
День 6
"Lies in the grave because of the lies!", - that's what we will write on the gravestone. Killed отрипаес (Don). огреаквк (Civilian) +2. Валерка (Werewolf) +2. прининт (Mafia) 0. прининт (Mafia) 0. Валерка (Werewolf) +2. огреаквк (Civilian) +2. прининт (Mafia) 0. Валерка (Werewolf) 0. огреаквк (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 7
The Mafia meeting decided to kill огреаквк (Civilian). The Bomb decided to make the fireworks from . прининт (Mafia) +2. прининт (Mafia) 0. Валерка (Werewolf) 0.