The game was tense till the very end! Both the townsfolk and the Mafia died!! But the last shot was made by the clan – the gangsters won! The fight lasted 19 minutes. The details of the criminal showdown read below
The Mafia decided that it's time to leave the table for the player крарарк (Lola)!. The Sheriff's try-out worked well – he guessed right ддщдщд (Don). Арара (Mafia) had a roll in the hay. An innocent blood drops off the Maniac's blade – непа (Sheriff) didn't survive. Communication with the town is prohibited for лшьшьш (Civilian). Quick like a bunny! The Bomb stuck to this rule when was mining: . We should place a ban to operate on Doctor – he cured отрипаес (Doctor). Sappers will be needed for the next players: . Did the patient die? Or should I work? The Doctor plays irresponsive and vainly cures отрипаес (Doctor). гоолл (Mafia) +2. Арара (Mafia) +2. тринин (Mafia) +2. ддщдщд (Don) +2. грнмеме (Mafia) +2. непа (Sheriff) +3. отрипаес (Doctor) 0. бшьбш (Maniac) 0. прининт (Gag) 0. бшьбш (Maniac) 0. отрипаес (Doctor) 0. грнмеме (Mafia) 0. ддщдщд (Don) 0. гоолл (Mafia) 0. впаркик (Switchman) 0. Арара (Mafia) 0. прининт (Gag) 0. тринин (Mafia) 0. огогошл (Werewolf) 0. лшьшьш (Civilian) 0. огреаквк (Civilian) 0.
День 2
"I don't hurry you but do not delay!", - грнмеме (Mafia) said to the hangman when he was putting Tyburn tippet on. It didn't work out, the rope was pulled by the whole town.. прининт получил фол. отрипаес (Doctor) +2. бшьбш (Maniac) +2. впаркик (Switchman) 0. Арара (Mafia) 0. тринин (Mafia) 0. прининт (Gag) 0. огогошл (Werewolf) +2. огреаквк (Civilian) +2. ддщдщд (Don) 0. грнмеме (Mafia) 0. гоолл (Mafia) 0. ддщдщд (Don) 0. гоолл (Mafia) 0. огогошл (Werewolf) +2. огреаквк (Civilian) +2. бшьбш (Maniac) 0. отрипаес (Doctor) 0. ддщдщд (Don) 0. гоолл (Mafia) 0. впаркик (Switchman) 0. Арара (Mafia) 0. прининт (Gag) 0. тринин (Mafia) 0. огогошл (Werewolf) 0. лшьшьш (Civilian) 0. огреаквк (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 3
Soon another body from the Mafia will be found – отрипаес (Doctor). The Maniac leads отрипаес (Doctor) to the forest. He (she) told: "Hey, it's scary here, dark!". The Maniac: "Yes, guess how I am afraid to return alone!". The Plug thinks that отрипаес (Doctor) is telling lies. Mines are fixed under the chairs of . Doc, your rating got plus zero for preventive treatment of впаркик (Switchman). Sappers' children eat farina porridge without touching lumps: . The Doctor missed into впаркик (Switchman). гоолл (Mafia) +2. Арара (Mafia) +2. тринин (Mafia) +2. ддщдщд (Don) +2. отрипаес (Doctor) 0. бшьбш (Maniac) 0. прининт (Gag) 0. бшьбш (Maniac) 0. ддщдщд (Don) 0. гоолл (Mafia) 0. впаркик (Switchman) 0. Арара (Mafia) 0. прининт (Gag) 0. тринин (Mafia) 0. огогошл (Werewolf) 0. лшьшьш (Civilian) 0. огреаквк (Civilian) 0.
День 3
The sixth sense told the townsfolk that it was ддщдщд (Don)!! And they were right! You made it!. ддщдщд (Don) 0. лшьшьш (Civilian) +2. огреаквк (Civilian) +2. огогошл (Werewolf) +2. прининт (Gag) +2. тринин (Mafia) 0. Арара (Mafia) 0. впаркик (Switchman) +2. бшьбш (Maniac) +2. гоолл (Mafia) 0. бшьбш (Maniac) +2. гоолл (Mafia) 0. впаркик (Switchman) +2. Арара (Mafia) 0. прининт (Gag) +2. тринин (Mafia) 0. огогошл (Werewolf) +2. лшьшьш (Civilian) +2. огреаквк (Civilian) +2. бшьбш (Maniac) 0. гоолл (Mafia) 0. впаркик (Switchman) 0. Арара (Mafia) 0. прининт (Gag) 0. тринин (Mafia) 0. огогошл (Werewolf) 0. лшьшьш (Civilian) 0. огреаквк (Civilian) 0.
Ночь 4
The Mafia punishment caught огреаквк (Civilian) this night. It is dark at night and the Maniac mixed up – he cut лшьшьш (Civilian). The Plug considers лшьшьш (Civilian) too talkative. , you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. Took the highly explosive path: . гоолл (Mafia) +2. Арара (Mafia) +2. тринин (Mafia) +2. бшьбш (Maniac) 0. прининт (Gag) 0. бшьбш (Maniac) 0. гоолл (Mafia) 0. впаркик (Switchman) 0. Арара (Mafia) 0. прининт (Gag) 0. тринин (Mafia) 0. огогошл (Werewolf) 0.
День 4
He will be buried together with other honest townsfolk! Rest in peace, впаркик (Switchman). впаркик получил фол. гоолл (Mafia) +2. бшьбш (Maniac) 0. впаркик (Switchman) +2. Арара (Mafia) +2. тринин (Mafia) +2. прининт (Gag) +2. огогошл (Werewolf) 0. бшьбш (Maniac) 0. гоолл (Mafia) +2. Арара (Mafia) +2. тринин (Mafia) +2. огогошл (Werewolf) 0. бшьбш (Maniac) 0. гоолл (Mafia) 0. Арара (Mafia) 0. прининт (Gag) 0. тринин (Mafia) 0. огогошл (Werewolf) 0.
Ночь 5
God created people and Mr.Colt made them equal! At Night the Mafia laid flat the player прининт (Gag). The Maniac, be careful! The town has a loss – огогошл (Werewolf). "огогошл (Werewolf) is too loud and talks too much!", - the Plug considered. I won't go to paradise alone – I need friends! will keep company to the Bomb. гоолл (Mafia) +2. Арара (Mafia) +2. тринин (Mafia) +2. бшьбш (Maniac) 0. прининт (Gag) 0. бшьбш (Maniac) 0. гоолл (Mafia) 0. Арара (Mafia) 0. тринин (Mafia) 0.