The Mafia tried wooden mackintosh to the body of Диско гром (Lola).

The Sheriff interrogated the wrong person – hashtag (Doctor).

There was notoriety around the town about her, and that is why she had a lot of clients. Today Lola spent the night with Дон Совеньйон (Jailer).

The Mafia blood is running off the Maniac's knife – Штірліц (Mafia) has died.

Censorship from the Plug to Штірліц (Mafia).

Quick like a bunny! The Bomb stuck to this rule when was mining: . The only Doctor who thinks that you are ok works in the military commissariat. And it seems that ours came from there too – cured Дон Совеньйон (Jailer), although he wasn't shot in.

Full moon! It's time for the Werewolf! Odin (Mafia), It's your time to act!.

– now their lives depend on the Bomb. We have an inattentive doctor – he was saving Дон Совеньйон (Jailer) from death, but the body with another nickname was found!.

"They were scattered all around the town!", - the townsfolk will say when the Bomb explodes. At gunpoint: . "Without an appointment - only to the pathologist", - this is the motto of our Doctor, who didn't save - Дон Совеньйон (Jailer).

Штірліц (Mafia) +2. Handsome and modest (Sheriff) 0. hashtag (Doctor) 0. Букмекер (Maniac) +3. Багіра (Gag) +3. Дон Совеньйон (Jailer) 0. pereverzievaanna9 (Don) 0. Кот (Mafia) 0. Handsome and modest (Sheriff) 0. hashtag (Doctor) 0. Дон Совеньйон (Jailer) 0. Odin (Werewolf) 0. Багіра (Gag) 0. Букмекер (Maniac) 0.