The Mafia decided that Штірліц (Bomb) won't wake up in the morning.
The hero of today's issue is Mr.Sheriff! He checked Пророк (Mafia)!.
It is dark at night and the Maniac mixed up – he cut Янголятко (Civilian).
The Plug decided that snake eyes (Maniac) will be silent.
The burst wave will carry away: Маленький гвинтик (Don), Joker (Civilian), Пророк (Mafia), Серсея Ланістер (Civilian), Трамп (Mafia). If the Bomb is killed, she will take Маленький гвинтик (Don), Joker (Civilian), Пророк (Mafia), Серсея Ланістер (Civilian), Трамп (Mafia) with her. The Doctor didn't cure anyone and there are dead bodies at the table. Hellcat (Sheriff) received the pills.
The Bomb has planned a firework from . The only Doctor who thinks that you are ok works in the military commissariat. And it seems that ours came from there too – cured Hellcat (Sheriff), although he wasn't shot in.
Kohana (Mafia) +2. Трамп (Mafia) +2. Пророк (Mafia) +2. ромашка (Mafia) +2. Маленький гвинтик (Don) +2. Sexy shooter (Mafia) +2. Hellcat (Sheriff) +3. фуфломіцин (Doctor) 0. snake eyes (Maniac) 0. Пяна вишня (Gag) 0. Мадам (Jailer) 0. Штірліц (Bomb) +5. Штірліц (Bomb) 0. Штірліц (Bomb) +5. Штірліц (Bomb) 0. Штірліц (Bomb) +5. Мадам (Jailer) 0. Kohana (Mafia) 0. Hellcat (Sheriff) 0. snake eyes (Maniac) 0. Рапунцель (Switchman) 0. Пяна вишня (Gag) 0. пантерка (Werewolf) 0. пяна білка (Civilian) 0. фуфломіцин (Doctor) 0. санса старк (Civilian) 0. ромашка (Mafia) 0. Sexy shooter (Mafia) 0.