The gangsters decided that Kohana (Bomb) will interfere with them and laid him (her) out!.
The Sheriff's try-out worked well – he guessed right Пяна вишня (Mafia).
Easy virtue results in drastic consequences. Lola gave alibi to Пяна вишня (Mafia).
It's better to be silent than to grumble! The Plug visited дедпул (Mafia).
"They were scattered all around the town!", - the townsfolk will say when the Bomb explodes. At gunpoint: Joker (Civilian), Янголятко (Mafia), фуфломіцин (Mafia), пяна білка (Switchman), Пяна вишня (Mafia). Henceforth Joker (Civilian), Янголятко (Mafia), фуфломіцин (Mafia), пяна білка (Switchman), Пяна вишня (Mafia) are not to be trifled with the Bomb. The Doctor missed into Рапунцель (Sheriff).
The Bomb put its charges on: . "Sick wake up - it's time to take sleeping pills!", - that is how we work.. The Doctor healed in vain - Рапунцель (Sheriff).
Фартова (Mafia) +2. Пяна вишня (Mafia) +2. Кіса (Mafia) +2. пантерка (Don) +2. Янголятко (Mafia) +2. дедпул (Mafia) +2. фуфломіцин (Mafia) +2. Рапунцель (Sheriff) +3. Пророк (Doctor) 0. санса старк (Gag) +3. Kohana (Bomb) 0. Kohana (Bomb) +5. Kohana (Bomb) +5. Kohana (Bomb) 0. Kohana (Bomb) +5. Маленький гвинтик (Civilian) 0. Пророк (Doctor) 0. Кіса (Mafia) 0. пантерка (Don) 0. Трамп (Werewolf) 0. санса старк (Gag) 0. Рапунцель (Sheriff) 0. ромашка (Lola) 0. Серсея Ланістер (Civilian) 0. дедпул (Mafia) 0. Фартова (Mafia) 0.