The Mafia earned the maximum number of points!! Kill the whole town and not to lose a fighter – that's a skill! It all took them 24 minutes. A short master class on deceit watch below
Клан Мафии
Daenerys (Don)
Supernova (Mafia)
Super Woman (Mafia)
Мирный город
Hellcat (Civilian)
Owl (Doctor)
the good whitch (Sheriff)
Bully (Switchman)
Ivan (Civilian)
DschingisKhan (Maniac)
Deadpool (Lola)
День 1
The townsfolk prepared three gallows for their citizens: the good whitch (Sheriff), DschingisKhan (Maniac), Deadpool (Lola).. the good whitch (Sheriff) was hoisted at dawn. The name of the Mafia at the table has left a secret because a civilian is leaving – the good whitch (Sheriff)!. Super Woman (Mafia) +2. DschingisKhan (Maniac) +2. the good whitch (Sheriff) 0. Bully (Switchman) 0. Ivan (Civilian) 0. Hellcat (Civilian) 0. Supernova (Mafia) +5. Hellcat (Civilian) 0. Supernova (Mafia) +5. Hellcat (Civilian) 0. Owl (Doctor) 0. Bully (Switchman) 0. Ivan (Civilian) 0. Supernova (Mafia) 0. Daenerys (Don) 0. DschingisKhan (Maniac) 0. Deadpool (Lola) 0. Super Woman (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 2
The Mafia shot hit DschingisKhan (Maniac). It can be only in a fairy tale: thousand and one nights, it is much more expensive in real life! Daenerys (Don), you owe Lola several thousand!. Maniac, don't do it again! The newspaper office considers that Deadpool (Lola) agrees!. In the Bomb's view belong to the gangster clan. We have an inattentive doctor – he was saving Daenerys (Don) from death, but the body with another nickname was found!. Henceforth are not to be trifled with the Bomb. The Doctor missed into Daenerys (Don). Daenerys (Don) +2. Super Woman (Mafia) +2. Supernova (Mafia) +2. Owl (Doctor) 0. DschingisKhan (Maniac) 0. Hellcat (Civilian) 0. Owl (Doctor) 0. Bully (Switchman) 0. Ivan (Civilian) 0. Supernova (Mafia) 0. Daenerys (Don) 0. Super Woman (Mafia) 0.
День 2
The townsfolk votes divided between Bully (Switchman), Supernova (Mafia) – Bully (Switchman) leaves the game. Everyone hogs the blanket – as the result the town is left by its faithful citizen Bully (Switchman)!. Bully (Switchman) +2. Owl (Doctor) +2. Daenerys (Don) +2. Super Woman (Mafia) +2. Supernova (Mafia) +2. Hellcat (Civilian) +2. Ivan (Civilian) +2. Supernova (Mafia) +2. Daenerys (Don) +2. Super Woman (Mafia) +2. Hellcat (Civilian) 0. Owl (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Civilian) 0. Supernova (Mafia) 0. Daenerys (Don) 0. Super Woman (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 3
Soon another body from the Mafia will be found – Owl (Doctor). Resuscitation procedure was effective and Owl (Doctor) was resurgent... , you need to nourish and cherish the Bomb!. If the Bomb is killed, she will take with her. "Sick wake up - it's time to take sleeping pills!", - that is how we work.. The Doctor healed in vain - Owl (Doctor). Daenerys (Don) +2. Super Woman (Mafia) +2. Supernova (Mafia) +2. Owl (Doctor) +3. Hellcat (Civilian) 0. Owl (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Civilian) 0. Supernova (Mafia) 0. Daenerys (Don) 0. Super Woman (Mafia) 0.
День 3
It never rains but it pours! There is a mess in the town and one innocent has died - Hellcat (Civilian). Supernova (Mafia) +2. Super Woman (Mafia) +2. Daenerys (Don) +2. Owl (Doctor) +2. Ivan (Civilian) 0. Hellcat (Civilian) +2. Ivan (Civilian) 0. Supernova (Mafia) +2. Daenerys (Don) +2. Super Woman (Mafia) +2. Owl (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Civilian) 0. Supernova (Mafia) 0. Daenerys (Don) 0. Super Woman (Mafia) 0.
Ночь 4
Owl (Doctor) interfered with the Mafia and it tried to kill him (her)!. Quick like a bunny! The Bomb stuck to this rule when was mining: . It seems that our doctor has been working several night shifts in a row and he doesn't see whom to treat – Ivan (Civilian) was mended. Daenerys (Don) +2. Super Woman (Mafia) +2. Supernova (Mafia) +2. Owl (Doctor) 0. Ivan (Civilian) 0. Supernova (Mafia) 0. Daenerys (Don) 0. Super Woman (Mafia) 0.
День 4
Daenerys (Don) +5. Supernova (Mafia) +5. Super Woman (Mafia) +5. Daenerys (Don) +2. Supernova (Mafia) +2. Super Woman (Mafia) +2. Ivan (Civilian) +6. Daenerys (Don) +10. Supernova (Mafia) +10. Super Woman (Mafia) +10. Ivan (Civilian) 0. Supernova (Mafia) 0. Daenerys (Don) 0. Super Woman (Mafia) 0. Daenerys (Don) +5. Supernova (Mafia) +5. Super Woman (Mafia) +5. Daenerys (Don) +2. Supernova (Mafia) +2. Super Woman (Mafia) +2. Ivan (Civilian) +6. Daenerys (Don) +10. Supernova (Mafia) +10. Super Woman (Mafia) +10.